Aroma Reading for January 2016

Aroma Reading for January 2016
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA



At the beginning of every month in 2016, I will offer an Aroma Reading forecasting the energy for the month along with an aromatherapy recipe. As I was preparing to do the Aroma Reading for this month, my guides interrupted me and told me there was no need to do a reading as the oil for January was Lemongrass (Cymbopogen flexuosus). I heard it loud and clear! The energy of Lemongrass is uplifting, cheerful, and refreshing and I associate it with new beginnings. It helps with mental focus and clarity as well as opens up intuition and your connection to the divine. It is invigorating, motivating, as well as playful. It helps with manifesting and in creating what the heart desires and is full of positive energy. It also purifies energy, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve you a higher purpose.

My Lemongrass forecast for January 2016: 2015 was a hard year for many people full of lessons, trials, and tribulations. It’s time to leave the past behind and move forward with hope and positivity. The energy of this month is very positive and ripe for change! Now is the time to take a moment in meditation, contemplation, or in journaling to focus and clearly think about, visualize, and then vocalize what you want to manifest, create, and achieve in 2016. Now is the time for action. Call upon your angels, guides, and guardians to assist you and know that your spirit healing team is always there.


Recipe for Manifestation in 2016:

1 drop Sage (for purification)
1 drop Lemongrass (to attract positive energy and new beginnings)
1 drop Lavender (to assist in clarity and in seeing the whole picture)
1 drops Cedarwood (to assist in manifestation)


Write down your goals, dreams, and aspirations for 2016 on a piece of paper.  Then, place one drop each of the above oils on a tea light candle and light the candle with a match. Use the tea light to set your piece of paper on fire and offer the energies up to the divine to be transformed. Please do this ceremony in a safe location like a fire pit or fire place!! Do not blow the candle out…set in a safe location and let it burn out on its own. Many blessings for light and love in 2016!

Aroma Readings are a divination technique using essential oils developed by Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach, a Holistic Healing Psychologist, Certified Aromatherapist, and Reiki Master Teacher.  She offers individual Aroma Readings and spreads as well as teaches Aroma Readings in her level 2 ‘Holistic Healing with Aromatherapy’ certification series. Interested in learning more about aromatherapy and essential oils? Visit