Mind, Soul, and Self LLC/Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD is magick, mystery, metaphysics, & mentoring for the modern mystic!
Who is a Modern Mystic?? Christina uses the term “The Modern Mystic” to describe those sensitive to others’ energy/emotions (Empaths), those looking to understand & develop their intuitive/psychic gifts, those undergoing a spiritual transformation/awakening, starseeds, lightworkers, walk-ins, shamans, medicine women, witches, pagans, Indigo/Rainbow/Crystal/Diamond Children, those who have had near-death experiences, mystical experiences, kundalini awakening, healing crisis, spiritual emergencies, ascension symptoms, past life experiences, experiences with the divine, peak experiences, dark night of the soul, crisis leading to personal transformation, intuitive/psychic/medium experiences, and other hard to describe spiritual experiences. We support the Modern Mystic through small group work, classes, retreats, intuitive readings, and individual appointments.
Small Group Experiences, Socializing, and Support for the Modern Mystic
We have a monthly online (Zoom) LUNACY!! This group is a spirit circle, psychic development group, magick & witchcraft group, and spiritual development group that meets to explore the magick of the full moon. With High Priestess Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD. Explore the Full Moon through guided meditation and shamanic journeys, ritual, ceremony, spellwork, crafting, and divination. Lunacy will be held Monthly on the actual full moon when possible, or within 24 hours of the full moon.
Classes for the Modern Mystic
Dr. Christina has hundreds of class offerings!! Topics include astrology, psychic development, divination, spirituality, spiritual psychology, meditation, mind/body medicine, Reiki, the Chakras, The Aura, witchcraft, the occult, herbal medicine, gardening, magickal gardening, and so much more!
Intuitive Readings
Looking for guidance and insight?? Dr. Christina offers Intuitive Readings, Tarot Readings, Oracle Readings, and Astrology Readings. Tarot Readings with Christina are unique as she uses them as a Spiritual Psychology, personal growth, and counseling tool. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology having studied with Stan Grof MD, PhD, the founder of the field. Tarot readings with Christina can also include counseling, depth psychology, and information on archetypes, astrology, the hero/heroine’s journey, rites of passage, and the chakras. Intuitive Readings, Tarot Readings, Oracle Readings, and Astrology Readings are available face to face in Sheboygan, over the phone, and via web-conferencing/Zoom.
Individual Appointments
Christina is available for individual sessions online/Zoom and occasionally in-person. Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD is a consultant, educator, spiritual counselor, and holistic healing facilitator with 27 years of experience and education in natural health, psychology, magick, shamanism, and spirituality. She specializes in death and dying, spiritual awakening, psychic development, mentoring, shadow work, intuitive readings, and personal growth for the modern mystic! Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD normalizes psychic abilities, mysticism, magick, Transpersonal Experiences, and alternative spiritual beliefs. The majority of her clients are empaths, intuitives, energy sensitive, psychics, mediums, healers, lightworkers, modern mystics, shamans, medicine women, witches, pagans, deeply spiritual individuals, and individuals experiencing a spiritual awakening. Christina uses holistic approaches that treat the whole person. Christina does not practice western psychology, psychotherapy, psychological counseling, or psychiatry; she does not give diagnosis or labels or provide psychological treatment. She is not a medical doctor, licensed psychologist or mental health therapist, and does not accept insurance. She is a modern mystic and spiritual counselor; combining psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, magick, and intuition into her healing appointments. Christina has a PhD in Health Psychology, Training in Transpersonal Psychology, a Masters Degree in Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Anthropology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, and a minor in Sociology, is an ordained minister, Reiki Master Teacher, and High Priestess in Training, but is an Alternative Medicine Provider, Holistic Healing Facilitator, Consultant, and Educator, not a behavioral health counselor or psychotherapist. Christina’s services can greatly complement Western psychological, counseling, psychiatric, and social work services clients may be receiving. Holistic Healing can also be a great alternative to traditional counseling and traditional mental health care. Think of Christina as an alternative counselor. Her experience working in the Western mental health and psychology field and her own personal healing experience has taught her that talk therapies and medications do not work for everyone and healing occurs at a deeper level. Western Psychology also fails to acknowledge the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the psyche. In her healing appointments, Christina utilizes a combination of energy medicine, counseling, chakra psychology, spirituality, Transpersonal Psychology, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, artwork, music, movement, intuitive readings, mind/body techniques, and natural health consultation. Christina can best address:
-Major Life Changes and Life Transitions
-Feeling lost, confused, and/or unbalanced
-Twin Flames, Soul Mates, Soul Groups, and Spirit Guide Relationships
-Individuals seeking wellness, life purpose, meaning, understanding, transformation, enlightenment, spiritual development, and personal growth.
-Individuals sensitive to others’ energy (Empaths)
-Spiritual Awakenings and Spiritual Emergence
-Intuitive/Psychic Awakening
-Psychic Development
-Individuals having psychic, mystical, and unexplainable experiences
-Death & Dying
-Grief & Loss
-Career Concerns & Guidance on Career Path and Life Purpose
Appointments with Dr. Christina can focus on 6 pathways:
-Intuitive, Psychic, & Spiritual Development
-Shadow Work
-A Journey of Self-Discovery (Who am I? What’s my purpose & passion? Developing insight & awareness)
-Emotional Healing
-Energy Healing, Chakras, Reiki, Aura
-Individual Mentoring and Education

Women’s Wellness Retreats…
Unwind, relax, de-stress, heal, and transcend with a women’s wellness retreat! Retreats are held once a year in Southern Wisconsin. Please visit the wellness retreats page for more information and to register.
Mind, Soul, and Selfcare Products
Our products are all handcrafted by Christina and her husband Bill! We have divination tools (Runes, Pendulums, Crystal Balls, Tarot Cards, Scrying Mirrors, Etc), magickal tools (athame, amulets, etc), t-shirts, jewelry, poisonous plant products, and more! Catch Christina vending at The Witches Markets and other local magickal and paranormal events! Stay tuned for our online store!!