Aroma Reading for July 2016
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
The intuitive essential oil for the month of July is Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens). Geranium has very feminine energy and is nurturing and comforting. It is cooling, sedating, relaxing, balancing, and is fabulous for anxiety, stress, nervousness, and tension. I associate it with the Solar Plexus Chakra as it may regulate the adrenal glands and clear excess heat. I feel it is empowering, boosts confidence and self-esteem, and resonates with Solar Plexus themes and functions. It can be used to alleviate PMS and menopausal symptoms and regulate the reproductive system, making it a must have women’s oil. It can also be used as an insect repellant during this hot summer month.
My Geranium forecast for July 2016: The message I have received from the universe loud and clear for this month is to connect to goddess energy and the divine feminine. Regardless if you are male or female, focus on self-care and nurturing yourself this month, whether it is getting a massage, reading a good book, taking a day off of work, or allowing yourself to sleep in. Spend some time with your mother or grandmother if you are lucky enough to still have them in your life. Take a walk in nature and revel in the beauty of Mother Earth. Connect to the moon in the sky at night and infuse that energy into your aura and energy field. For the females: meet up with your girlfriends for coffee or cocktails or focus on rekindling old female friendships or creating new ones. Wrap the goddess energy around you this month and let it embrace you.
Goddess Blend
• 3 drops Jasmine
• 2 drops Rose
• 2 drops Clary Sage
• 2 drops Geranium
• 5 drops Neroli
Combine the essential oils together in an amber bottle and slightly swirl together to create a synergy. This blend is for inhalation via a diffuser, few drops on a cotton pad or tissue, or in an aroma inhaler. As you breathe in the aroma, state the following affirmations to yourself: “I invoke the goddess within. I am beautiful, nurturing, and worthy of love.”
Aroma Readings are a divination technique using essential oils developed by Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach, a Holistic Health Psychologist, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, and Reiki Master Teacher. She offers individual Aroma Readings and spreads as well as teaches Aroma Readings in her level 2 ‘Holistic Healing with Aromatherapy’ certification series. Interested in learning more about herbs, aromatherapy and essential oils? Christina offers face to face and aromatherapy and herbs classes and certifications. The next level 1 Holistic Healing with Aromatherapy series starts September 10, 2016 in Sheboygan WI area (north of Milwaukee). Visit Mind, Soul, and Self LLC for more info: