February 2018 Knee Chakra Reading

February 2018 Knee Chakra Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a Chakra and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. February brings us to the Knee Chakras, minor chakras on the back of the knees; in the hollows of the knee joint. These chakras influence your progress and forward movement. This month, the Knee Chakras ask you – What is keeping you from moving forward in life? Do you have goals and dreams you have trouble achieving no matter how hard you try?


Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras.


The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.  The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.


The Knee Chakras are minor Chakras located on the back of the knees, in the hollow portion. There is one on each knee. These energy centers are usually seen as some shade of brown, deep red, or magenta. These chakras influence your emotional, personal, and spiritual progress and forward movement. Please do not assume that a minor Chakra is not as important as a major Chakra; all the energy centers work together to keep us whole, complete, and balanced. Minor Chakras each work with a Major Chakra. The Knees work with the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra area (and corresponding minor chakras) is where many primal emotions are processed and released to the earth to be transmuted. When we allow these emotions to take up residence and do not release them and let them flow through us, they can become ‘stuck’ and influence our life in negative and unwanted ways. Fear often inhabits the Knee Chakras…. fear of change, fear of success, fear of death, fear of losing control, fear of the unknown, etc. These fears hold us back, stop us from moving forward, and effect our progress in life.


February 2018 Knee Chakra Forecast: The emotion of fear is similar to being afraid, scared, worried, anxious. These are low vibrating emotions related to survival. Evolutionary wise, these emotions were a response to danger and often helped us save our lives through fight or flight. In modern times, we are often fearful of things that truly do not threaten our physical survival. So this month, explore what keeps you from moving forward in life? Are you stuck? Do you have goals and dreams you have trouble achieving no matter how hard you try? Or do you not even try because you are afraid? What blocks your progress? Is it fear? What are you afraid of? Why? Does it really threaten your survival and well-being, or does it push you out of your comfort zone and make you uncomfortable? Take some time to self-reflect on your fears. Then, release those fears down to the earth to be transformed through your Foot Chakras (Chakras we covered last month). Try the following chakra activity. We are going to connect your Knee Chakras to your Foot Chakras. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your left foot. Have the intent that you want to boost and increase the flow of energy and communication between your Knee and Foot Chakras. Keep your hands in place for a few minutes. Allow the energy to flow back and forth. You may feel heat, pulsing, or tingling. Then, repeat with the right side. Place your right hand on your right knee and your left had on your right foot. Have the intent that you want to boost and increase the flow of energy and communication between your Knee and Foot Chakras. Keep your hands in place for a few minutes. Allow the energy to flow back and forth. As these chakras connect, release what no longer serves you a higher purpose down to the earth to be transformed. Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina


Join us for Advanced Energy Healing and Chakra Balancing Class in Sheboygan, WI on March 17, 2018: https://mindsoulandself.com/advanced-chakra-energy-healing/


Join us for our ‘Women’s Spring Equinox Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin March 23 to 25, 2018: https://mindsoulandself.com/womens-wellness-retreats/


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit mindsoulandself.com. Many Blessings and Be Well!