October 2018 Chakra Reading: Chakra Fire Ceremony
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a specific Chakra or a Chakra concept and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. This month, we are going to focus on a technique to cleanse the chakras…a Fire Ceremony.
Brief Overview of the Chakras:
The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.
The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.
Fire Ceremony
A fire ceremony is a powerful practice used to release unwanted energies and attachments from the past and make space for new intentions. A fire ceremony can be used to release unhappy memories, fears, negative emotions, low vibrations, and anything that you are holding onto that doesn’t serve your Higher Self. By releasing these unwanted energies and old patterns into the fire, you are healing at the soul level. The fire ceremony is an ancient healing ceremony that is among the oldest still known to man today. All of life (including us as humans) is made up of light bound by matter energetically. During a fire ceremony, when you put something such as wood, stick, or paper into the fire, you are symbolically releasing matter back to its original essence which is a light. Fire transmutes the heavy energy into a light energy releasing it to the universe.
I like to do a fire ceremony during the change of seasons (solstices, equinoxes, Beltane, Samhain), at the Full Moon, New Moon, and I even bring in the New Year with a fire ceremony. A fire ceremony can be performed any time you are feeling stuck, creating something new, or need to shift the energy.
October 2018 Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: Since the Chakras guide every area of our lives, I like to structure my fire ceremony around the chakras. Utilize the guide below to assist you in taking an inventory of your chakras and your life. Identify what you are holding onto and what you are carrying around that is holding you back from reaching your full potential. Then let go of it….release it to the universe to be transformed.
Fire Ceremony Preparation:
1) Connect with your heart and ask, “What do I need to release in each one of my chakras, that doesn’t serve me anymore?” You can utilize the prompts that I created below.
2) You can draw and/or write intentions that you want to release. Some people prefer to draw or make art for what they are releasing. I like to do a combination of both.
3). Take some time to draw or write down things that are holding you back that you want to release on a piece of paper. You will burn this in your fire ceremony.
4). Find a stick to add to your fire. Before coming to the fire circle, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent an issue or something that needs to be honored in order for you to let go of it. The offering serves to focus one’s attention in active meditation.
5). Then create a fire (Outside. Please be safe!). Start with a little prayer or blessing and then burn your stick and your piece of paper. Watch as the fire and smoke purifies your energies. As it burns, say the following: “I release all energy and patterns from my Chakras and Aura that no longer serve me a higher purpose. I let go so that I can step freely into what is waiting for me, as my light begins to grow brighter with each day. “Goodbye past I let you go. I set you free. Never to return. I am now free of these energies.”
Chakra Fire Ceremony- Write the following on a piece of paper and burn when done.
Root Chakra: Foundation, Security, Survival, Stability, Trust, Physical Health, Material possessions, finances
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose:
Sacral Chakra: desire, pleasure, sexuality, creativity, relationships, family
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Solar Plexus: Personal Power, Will, Emotional Center, Stress, Self-Esteem/image
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Heart Chakra: love, self-love, inner-child, respect, non-judgment, empathy
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Higher Heart Chakra: healing, servitude, humanitarian, donating, unconditional love for all humanity
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Throat Chakra: Self-expression, communication, hearing and speaking
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Third Eye Chakra: Clarity, seeing, intuition, imagination, dreaming, visualization, inner sight, see your life clearly, goals, dream, aspirations
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Crown Chakra or Sahasrara: Inner wisdom, understanding, release of karma, grace, connection to the divine/universe/God, your spiritual journey
What I need to release from this Chakra that no longer serves me a purpose or that is creating a block in my life:
Want to learn more about the chakras?
Join us for our ‘Women’s Winter Solstice Chakra Weekend Retreat” in West Bend, Wisconsin December 14 to 16, 2018: https://mindsoulandself.com/womens-wellness-retreats/
Check out all of our online Chakra classes that you can take in the comfort of your own home: https://mindsoulandself.com/chakra-balancing-classes/
About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, Docent, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. She has 20 years of experience in psychology, spirituality, and natural health. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit mindsoulandself.com. Many Blessings and Be Well!