The Wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA

The Edge Magazine December issue just came out today and had a phenomenal article on “The Role of the Wounded Healer.” I have been thinking about it all day.  My thoughts: The Wounded Healer, Chiron, and the Modern Day Shaman are concepts I deeply resonate with as today I celebrated exactly 10.5 years of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction and that related lifestyle (domestic abuse, divorce, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, etc). I believe I am better able to serve and relate to others as a healer, teacher, and guide through emergence into my own personal hell and subsequently facing/fighting those demons. I am not perfect, I still struggle with many issues. But Personal growth is a journey, not a destination. I believe a true healer is humpty dumpty, s/he fell off a wall, shattered, broke, but did not lay there….s/he put themself back together again…better and stronger than they ever were before. In order to heal and become whole, one must first fall apart. You can’t learn that in any school or any class. So take your pain, take your darkness and use it as fuel to light up the world for others. Fall apart, but don’t just lie there, get back up and become whole and complete.
From the article:
“Wounded Healers understand how to make their lives whole again by restoring spirit, despite the open wound that will never fully heal. They have learned to meet the challenge of pain and cope with it, rejuvenating themselves with vitality and life. They have returned to wholeness, despite the gaping wound. And they have innate understanding of how they did that. The wounded healer instinctively knows what the rest of us grope in darkness to discover outside mundane reality and instinctively shares this gift of spirit. The wounded healer knows that there is more to us than our physical body and that non-physical wounds can make us totally sick. So wounded healers can communicate non-verbally and without physical contact as empathic healers who connect spirit-to-spirit with their ailing friends. They understand the pain and where it is found, as they have been to this place and returned from the arduous journey, alive and wiser.”~ Von Brashler. To read the whole article: