Online Past Life Regression
Small Group Experience
with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD
6pm to 9pm CENTRAL TIME
Space is limited!! This is a small group experience! KICK OFF THANKSGIVING WEEKEND WITH A PAST LIFE REGRESSION!
Registration for tHE past life regression closes NOVEMBER 21, 2022. Register at the bottom of this page.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION: Past life regression is a technique using hypnosis and visualization to undercover memories from your past lives and incarnations. Remembered or not, your unconscious mind harbors the memories of many past lives. Our past lives can “bleed through” into our current lifetime and influence it in numerous ways. This will usually appear as patterns in your life. Do you find yourself repeating certain patterns over and over? Often, present-life issues we are struggling with have a past-life origin and the stories contain amazing lessons. The lessons are revealed most markedly by the life patterns we recognize in the stories. Dr. Christina has successfully regressed over 600 people in both individual and group settings. Her clients have gone back to lives in Prehistoric times, BCE, Rome, Eqypt, Colonial America, Atlantis, Lemuria, Pompeii, To the Knights Templar, Medieval Times, World War 1 and 2, The Wild West, Vietnam War, and beyond. Sessions provide an opportunity to heal trauma and stuck energy in these lives as well as forgive and be forgiven for transgressions.
There are many reasons to do a past life regression: to gain insight, to experience healing, to heal issues with no rational cause (fears, pain, etc), to process soul lessons, to forgive others who have hurt you so the past can be healed, to gain an understanding of your gifts and challenges in this lifetime and how to move beyond them, and to gain more awareness of your soul contracts, karmic relationships, soul mates, and soul groups.
Fee for Past Life Regression: The fee is $85 for the 3 hour experience. Includes an online group past life regression, intuitive feedback, assistance with processing the experience, and integration.
Itinerary: This is a small group experience. ONLINE VIA ZOOM!
- 6pm to 9pm CST: Past Life Regression. We will begin with group introductions and a discussion of the spectrum of consciousness. All participants will then set goals and explore patterns and concerns in their life they would like more insight into. Then you are deeply relaxed into a deep meditation/trance state and Dr. Christina guides you back to the life or lives that need to be addressed and healed. You are also given an opportunity to meet with your spirit guide(s) and soul group. The session ends with processing, integration, and discussion of your experience.
A note about online/phone regressions: Yes, online is just as effective as face to face. I have done a number of past life regressions over webcam and telephone. They have worked out great. I have conducted over 600 past life regressions in individual and group sessions both face to face and over webcam/phone. For some people, they work better over phone/webcam than face to face because you are more relaxed in your own space. You can 100% control your own environment…temperature, noise, comfortability. You can lay in your own bed if you would like. Being as relaxed and comfortable as possible is key to being able to have a successful regression. Plus, there is no stress involved with driving.
ZOOM PAST LIFE REGRESSION: This is an online past life regression from the safety and comfort of your home! For webconferencing, Dr. Christina uses Zoom. Zoom is free for you to use. After you register by paying the fee below, Christina emails you a link to join the group via web conferencing. You will need a webcam and speakers/or earphones for a webconference. You may also use a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Join us from the safety and comfort of your own home. You do not need to be technology savvy. If you can turn on a computer and check your email, you can join us online. Its super simple…no advanced skills are needed. With your webcam turned on, you will be able to see, hear, interact, and join the discussion with Dr. Christina and the other women in the online group. You may also choose to join us by phone instead of webcam/online. Christina will then give you a special phone number to call in for your appointment. There is also a chat feature, so you can chat/text the entire group or have a private conversation with another member. Space is limited so everyone has time to share and discuss.
Prepping to use Zoom:
- The online session will be done with Zoom.
- Please make an account here
- Download this program/app on your computer, laptop or tablet.
- Please practice using Zoom and test out all of your equipment and your internet connection with a friend BEFORE our session! You will not want to spend our valuable session time focusing on your equipment.
- Get a headset with microphone or make sure your device has a speaker and microphone. You can also call in via your phone
- Please make sure you have a good internet connection if you want to do a webcam meeting.

About Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a scholar, teacher, consultant, spiritual counselor, and holistic healing facilitator with 24 years of higher education and experience in psychology, and spirituality, and holistic healing. Her business is Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. She has her PhD in Health Psychology, Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, 2 bachelor degrees in psychology and anthropology, a minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology, having studied with Stan Grof MD, PhD-the founder of the field. She is a Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Reiki Master Teacher, Docent, Ordained Minister, Awakening Your Light Body Graduate, Intuitive, and Bodyworker. She is a published author and award-winning researcher and healthcare provider. She was an instructor in the Institute for Intuitive Arts and Sciences in Madison, WI. She strongly believes in empowering others to heal themselves. For more information, please visit
Preparing for your online past life regression appointment: For the online regression, you will need to be in a private and quiet location where you will not be disturbed during your appointment. Earphones or a headset are recommended so you do not have to hold your phone during the regression. You will be laying down during the regression. A bed or couch is recommended. Please wear comfortable clothes. A blanket, pillow, and something to cover your eyes is recommended. As you will be in the regression for a large portion of the session, please minimize your beverage intake before the appointment so you don’t have to go to the bathroom. Watch your coffee or caffeine intake too so you don’t have a hard time relaxing. Please also have a pen and paper on hand to journal your experience afterward. Soft music or a fan playing in the background can be helpful to create white noise. Essential oils or incense can also be helpful to have to help you relax. Have water to drink and tissue/kleenex.
Registration: Registration deadline for past life regression is NOVEMBER 21, 2022 (will close earlier if space is filled). Please contact Dr. Christina at 608.393.7353 or [email protected] with any questions. Register by paying the fee below. Please note, fee is non-refundable if you cancel your attendance.