Soul Searcher:
Spiritual Sampler Series
A little bit about a lot of spiritual topics!
With Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD
One workshop a month!
Next live workshop:
due to christina’s current schedule, live online streaming soul searcher classes are currently put on hold. On-demand video classes are still available! See the bottom of this page for 17 workshops available for download!!
All of the 2023 Soul Searcher Workshops will explore World Religions, Spiritual Paradigms, Traditions, and Pantheons!!! Join us to expand your knowledge and open your mind!
On-demand video classes are also available!
See the bottom of this page for 17 workshops available for download!!
Space is limited! Register below.
“Soul Searching” is the process and journey of examining your consciousness and diving deep into your soul. It is embarking on a quest to discover your own truth, identity, passion, purpose, place, values, and meaning. When we go soul-searching, we’re looking to find something, whether it’s something new or something we previously misplaced. What we’re searching for varies from person to person. It is exploring, researching, and experiencing as you gather insight and knowledge.
This series of spiritual and metaphysical classes will introduce participants to a number of different spiritual topics and allow soul evolution and personal exploration through metaphysical study, spiritual exercises, and activities.
All of the 2023 Soul Searcher Workshops will explore World Religions, Spiritual Paradigms, Traditions, and Pantheons!!! Some workshops will have guest speakers!
Your teacher/host, Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a scholar, consultant, spiritual counselor, and holistic healing facilitator with 25 years of higher education and experience in psychology, spirituality, and holistic healing. Her business is Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. She has her PhD in Health Psychology, Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a bachelor’s degree in cultural anthropology, a minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology, having studied with Stan Grof MD, PhD-the founder of the field. She is a Certified Level 2 Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Natural Perfumer, Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained Minister, High Priestess in Training in the Wiccan Family Temple Tradition, an Awakening Your Light Body Graduate, and Intuitive. She is a published author and award-winning researcher and healthcare provider. She was an instructor in the Institute for Intuitive Arts and Sciences in Madison, WI. She strongly believes in empowering others to heal themselves. For more information, please visit
Upcoming Live 2023 Workshops:
All of the 2023 Soul Searcher Workshops will explore World Religions, Spiritual Paradigms, Traditions, and Pantheons!!!
6pm to 9pm CST
Buddhism, Taoism, Romani, and Hinduism. An introduction into Spiritual Paradigms with roots in Asia and India. We will cover Deities, Devas, Bodhisattva, Avatars, Gods and Goddesses from these pantheons (Kali, Visnu, Shakti, Shiva, etc), Mythology, Folklore, Legends, Traditions, the concepts of Karma, Samsara, Dharma, the Vedas, Reincarnation, Energy Cleansing Techniques, Rituals, Special Holidays, Divination Techniques, Sacred Sites, beliefs specific to these different but related Pantheons, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of these spiritualities, and more. Fee $60. Register below.
6pm to 9pm CST
Yoruba, Rootwork, Hoodoo, Conjure, Voodoo and other Traditional African Religions. An introduction into magical technologies and religious practices that integrate the traditional magickal practices of African tribes, Native American herbal remedies, ancient European folklore, Christianity, and African American Traditions into new spiritual systems. We will discuss myths and stigmas about these belief systems, Loas, Orishas, Botanicas, Ancestors, Spellcasting, Mojo Bags, Candle spells, ritual baths, the Crossroads, Uncrossings, Veves, Rituals, Special Holidays, Divination Techniques, beliefs specific to these different but related Pantheons, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of these spiritualities, and more. Fee $60. Register below.
6pm to 9pm CST
Santeria, Brujeria, Aztec, Incan, Mayan, and other Latin & Afro Caribbean Spiritual Traditions. More info coming soon!
6pm to 9pm CST
Native American, Indigenous, First People, Shamanism, and Spirituality More info coming soon!
6pm to 9pm CST
Lesser-known spiritual pantheons: Slavic, Baltic, Hawaiian, Australian Aboriginal, and more! More info coming soon!
6pm to 9pm CST
Hermeticism, Golden Dawn, Enochian Magick, Rosicrucian, Ageless Wisdom, and Other Esoteric Mystery Traditions More info coming soon!
6pm to 9pm CST
Spiritualism and the Victorian Era More info coming soon!
6pm to 9pm CST
The Witchcraft Revival and Reclamation! After the Witchcraft Act in England was repealed in 1951, the modern-day witchcraft revival exploded! We will cover the history of modern-day witchcraft, Gerald Gardener, Alex Sanders, Solitary Witches, the Religion and Science of Witchcraft, Sabbats, Esabts, the different traditions, Covens/Temples/Circles, and more!!
Please note: These classes should not take the place of regular mental and physical healthcare. You must be at least 18 years old to join these workshops.
PLEASE NOTE! TO SERVICE A LARGER GEOGRAPHICAL AREA, WORKSHOPS WILL CONTINUE AS AN ONLINE/ZOOM GROUP UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. OPEN TO ANYONE ANYWHERE IN THE USA AND CANADA! For webconferencing, Dr. Christina uses Zoom. Zoom is free for you to use. After you register by paying the fee below, Christina emails you a link to join the group via web conferencing. You will need a webcam and speakers/or earphones for a webconference. You may also use a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Join us from the safety and comfort of your own home. You do not need to be technology savvy. If you can turn on a computer and check your email, you can join us online. Its super simple…no advanced skills are needed. With your webcam turned on, you will be able to see, hear, interact, and join the discussion with Dr. Christina and the other participants in the online group. You may also choose to join us by phone instead of webcam/online. Christina will then give you a special phone number to call in for your appointment. There is also a chat feature, so you can chat/text the entire group or have a private conversation with another member. Space is limited so everyone has time to share and discuss.

Registration: Space is limited! For the June 28, 2023 workshop, registration closes June 26, 2023 or when space is full! Please contact Dr. Christina with any questions at [email protected]. To register, please pay the fee via the Paypal cart below. Christina will then email you the Zoom info and instructions to join us online. Please note, all sales and payments for the Soul Searcher Workshops are final. If you cancel your attendance your payment is non-refundable. Also, please note that this is a safe space open to adults over 18 years.
By paying the fee/registering, you acknowledge that you understand:
- This is for adults over 18 years old.
- Each live online Zoom class will be recorded and available afterwards as an online/on-demand class for you to purchase if you missed the live class.
- Space is limited
- You understand group time and discussion is shared among all attendees and you agree not to dominate the discussion
- We discuss metaphysical and esoteric topics.
- This group is a safe, peaceful, and harmonious setting.
- This is a judgment-free zone.
- Please note, all sales and payments are final. If you cancel your attendance your payment is non-refundable.
- You agree to work well with others during the group and be peaceful, cooperative, and respectful.
- Verbal aggression, physical aggression, disturbing the group, and interfering with others’ experience is absolutely not tolerated.
- If you disturb the peace in any way, disrupt the group, or act inappropriately, you will be asked to leave immediately with no refund.
- PLEASE NOTE! THE SOUL SEARCHER WORKSHOPS WILL BE HELD ONLINE VIA WEBCONFERENCING/ZOOM. For webconferencing, Dr. Christina uses Zoom. Zoom is free for you to use. After you register by paying the fee below, Christina emails you a link to join the group via web conferencing. You will need a webcam and speakers/or earphones for a webconference. You may also use a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Join us from the safety and comfort of your own home. You do not need to be technology savvy. If you can turn on a computer and check your email, you can join us online. Its super simple…no advanced skills are needed. With your webcam turned on, you will be able to see, hear, interact, and join the discussion with Dr. Christina and the other participants in the online group. There is also a chat feature, so you can chat/text the entire group or have a private conversation with another member. Space is limited.
Previously Recorded Soul Searcher Workshops Available for Purchase:
–Yoga for Spiritual Awakenings & Dark Night of the Soul-
Dr. Christina is proud to host Michelle Bauer for a special Goddess Gathering!! Michelle was a special education teacher for 27 years and then had a spiritual awakening. Her experience catapulted her onto a new path of self-discovery and healing. She retired from special education and pursued training as a yoga teacher. Michelle is passionate about using yoga to empower others as they navigate through their spiritual awakening journey and dark night of the soul. Michelle has a Masters Degree in Education and is a Certified Yoga Teacher and Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher. Body-based modalities such as yoga, massage, and dance are extremely helpful in coping with an awakening. Learn how yoga can assist you in processing and integrating your experience. Learn how yoga poses correlate to the hero’s journey (the steps of the spiritual awakening journey). Michelle will then guide you through a gentle Hatha Yoga Hero’s Journey sequence. This deep dive is for both yoga beginners/newbies and more advanced. Experience yoga like you never have before! Fee: $55. **Suggested reading to prepare for this deep dive is The Hero with Many Faces by Joseph Campbell. The online/on-demand class includes a 2 hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $55 fee below.
–Death & Dying: Psychopomps, Death Doulas, Exit Guides, and Soul Midwives– Psychopomps are a concept originating from Greek mythology. Psychopomps are soul guides that escort and guide newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply to guide. Modern Psychopomps are called Death Doulas, Exit Guides, and Soul Midwives. Death is one of life’s most potent, transformational, and sacred passages. It is also one of the most denied, ignored, and feared. We will discuss examples of Psychopomps throughout history, soul guiding techniques in different spiritual traditions, deities/gods/goddesses that are Psychopomps and how to work with them. We will discuss ways that you can facilitate this sacred work (with family, friends, clients, patients, as a volunteer in hospice) and ways to tap into the veil. Death is a journey we all will take when it is our time….there is nothing to fear. The online/on-demand class includes a 3+ hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $55 fee below.
-Faery Magick Workshop–Working with the The Elements, Fairies, Gnomes, Phoenix, Dragons, Pixies, Mermaids, and other Elementals. Faeries are believed to have descended from the Tuatha De Danann, a magickal race that made their home in Ireland. Due to the Faeries’ connection with the Tuatha De Danann, many who practice Faery Magick also work with the Celtic pantheon. Faery Magick is the act of asking the Fae to assist in your spells, ceremony, energywork, meditation, and rituals. It is divining, communicating, and channeling them and listening to the lessons they have to teach. The foundation of Faery Magick and working with the Fae is Trust. The Fae don’t trust humans easily as humans have destroyed nature. Therefore, we will discuss how to build rapport and relationships with the Fae, how to become better stewards, and protectors of nature. We will discuss ALL the different types of Fae, building a faery altar, communicating with the Fae, where to find the Fae, ways to protect yourself when working with the Fae, and Faery spells & rituals. Christina will also guide you through a guided meditation/hypnosis to meet and communicate with the Fae. This was a live class that was recorded (video) and is now available as an online/on-demand class! The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour class recording (video), a detailed workbook in pdf form, and additional written materials. Please pay the $55 fee below.
-Working with the Ancestors and Ancestral Healing–Ancestral Healing allows us to make peace with the members of our family, forgive them, and help them heal their unresolved emotional issues, problems or trauma, going back many generations. In so doing, it releases you from any energetic patterns and energetic cords that link you to them – patterns that can have a disruptive influence on your life today. When we have an ancestor from our past that needs healing, they hang on energetically to our family line and create negative energetic structures. This causes us to have a harder time letting go of things that no longer serve us and leaves us feeling like we are stuck. We may notice that we repeat the same patterns over and over. We know that this is causing us pain, but feel like there is no way out. Ancestral healing is extremely beneficial for many people because when we release and heal these ancestral patterns, any blockages we have in our lives clear and heal. This too can clear the way for our children and future descendants. And don’t worry, you don’t need to know anything/everything about your lineage(s)/ancestors or even be in a good relationship with them to do this work. The online/on-demand class includes a 3+ hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $55 fee below.
-Alternatives to Sage and Smudging: An Exploration of Cleansing and Purification Techniques from Different Cultures and Belief Systems. The goal of this workshop is to help people explore cleansing and purification techniques that may be more appropriate to their personal spiritual practices. There has been a lot of recent conversation and controversy around appropriation of certain practices across the world by westerners (Reiki, Yoga, Smudging, etc). People using White Sage to smudge is a great example of this. There is back lash and anger from some Native American and Indigenous Cultures over use of culturally specific techniques that people from outside the culture don’t really understand. Other problems include overharvesting of White Sage and capitalizing, exploiting, and profiting off of indigenous practices. In this workshop, we will discuss cultural appropriation vs cultural appreciation. We will also discuss the concept of Plastic Shaman (slang term for individuals who are attempting to pass themselves off as shamans or other traditional spiritual leaders, but who have no genuine connection to the traditions or cultures they claim to represent and often exploit that knowledge for ego, power, or money). Participants will then be introduced to a number of different purification techniques from various spiritual traditions including Saining from the Scottish/Irish/Celtic Culture, Vastu Shuddhi and Dhoop from Ayurveda, Norse/Viking Techniques, Egyptian techniques, Greek/Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Feng Shui, Buddhist, Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Magickal Traditions. We will also cover non-culture specific techniques like fire rituals, crystals, crystal grids, sound, salt, and candles. The online/on-demand class includes a 3+ hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $55 fee below.
–Introduction to Witchcraft & Witches: Defining, Demystifying, and Destigmatizing Pagan Beliefs-
There is a lot of fear, taboo, and misunderstanding of witchcraft. This is largely due to Hollywood, the mainstream, and religious leaders spreading untruths and perpetuating stereotypes. Witchcraft is really the old-world religion and ways pre-Christianity. Women practiced herbalism, divination, and the healing arts throughout the world until they became the target of the church and the state – probably for reasons of power and money. Now, the divine feminine is rising and women (and men/other genders) are reclaiming and reembracing these earth-based spiritual beliefs. The goal of this workshop is to define, educate, and clarify Wicca, Wiccan, Witches, Witchcraft, and Pagan beliefs and spirituality. Christina identifies as a witch and is currently in a High Priestess Theology training program and a student in a Soul School based in Ancient Greek Witchcraft. About 5 years ago, a student in Christina’s herbal certificate series called Christina a witch as an insult. Christina was very hurt at first, until, after some soul searching, she realized she was a witch!! Her love of tarot, divination, gardening, herbal medicine, natural healing, nature, animals, spirit communication, celebrating the full moon/solstices/equinoxes, and energy work are exactly witchcraft! Join Christina as she leads you through the history of witchcraft, types of witchcraft, and different kinds of witches (Eclectic, Green, Kitchen, etc). She will also clearly define Witchcraft as a religion and a science, and debunk myths, stigma, and fear-based beliefs. We also cover witchcraft practices, beliefs, and basics. The online/on-demand class includes a 3+ hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $55 fee below.
-Where am I from? Starseeds & Planetary/Galactic Soul Origins-
We will discuss all the known starseeds, their planetary and galactic origins, and traits. Christina will then guide you through your Natal Birth Chart and your Akashic Records so you can gain insight into the origins of your soul as well as your lessons and purpose in this lifetime. YOU WILL NEED YOUR DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF BIRTH FOR THIS WORKSHOP. The online/on-demand class includes a 3+ hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-The Soul, Soul Mates, Soul Groups, Soul Contracts, & Soul Lessons. A discussion of soul mates, soul groups, soul contracts, past lives, reincarnation, and in-between lives in the spirit world. Learn how to identify your soul group, soul mates, and gain more insight into your soul’s age, purpose, mission, and lessons. The online/on-demand class includes a 3+ hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Spirit Guides. A discussion of spirit guides, the different kinds of spirit guides, their purpose, how to communicate with your guides and build a relationship with them. Christina will then take you on a shamanic/guided journey to the spirit world so you can meet your spirit guides. The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Understanding the Spirit World. A detailed workshop on the spirit world! Learn all about the different dimensions, realms, the inhabitants of the different spirit realms, what we do when we are not incarnated, what happens when we die, what happens when we reincarnate, how to visit and communicate with the spirit world, and more!! The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour video class plus handouts. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Working with Deities, Gods, Goddesses, The Triple Goddess and her Consort. A detailed workshop on deities! Christina will give you an overview of the Triple Goddess archetype and introduce you to numerous Gods and Goddesses from a variety of cultures and pantheons. You will learn how to select deities to work with, how to work with them, how to tell if one if calling out to you, and how to work on becoming an oracle to communicate with Gods and Goddesses. The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour video class plus a 100+ page handout. Please pay the $60 fee below.
Animals and Spirituality: Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, Animal Familiars, & Animal Communication. Learn about the different types of animal spiritual guides, familiars, and totems. Learn about animal communication and intuitive abilities. Learn all about telepathy, how to tune in to your animals and connect heart to heart, mind to mind, energy to energy and tap into the universal language of all species. Christina will then facilitate intuitive development exercises and activities as well as a guided meditation/shamanic journey for you to tap into your intuition, meet your animal spirit guides, and communicate with your pet companions. The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour video class plus a handout. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Celtic Spirituality- An introduction to Celtic Spirituality and beliefs! Workshop covers the history of the Celts, Tuatha Dé Danann, Celtic Gods and Goddesses (The Morrigan, The Dagda, Lugh, Cailleach, etc), Celtic Mythology, Beliefs, Druids, Faries (the Sidhe), Faery/Sidhe Moons, Faery Magick, Saining, The Wheel of the Year, The Otherworld, Sacred sites, Celtic Divination, Celtic Practices, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of this spirituality, and more! The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour class recording (video), and a detailed 80 page workbook in pdf form. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Greek, Hellenic, & Roman Spirituality, Mythology, and More! Workshop covers the history of ancient Greece and Rome, the Gods and Goddesses from these related pantheons (including Hekate, Persephone, Hermes, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Zeus), The Titans, The Olympians, Nymphs, The Fates, Mythology, Famous Sorceresses like Circe and Medea, The Oracle of Delphi, the Heros and Demi-Gods Hercules, Perseus, Jason and the Argonauts, Medusa, the Eleusinian Mysteries, Energy Cleansing Techniques, Rituals, Magick, Special Holidays, Divination Techniques, Sacred Sites, beliefs specific to ancient Greece and Rome/Italy, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of this spirituality, and more. The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour class recording (video), and a detailed 80 page workbook in pdf form. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Norse and Germanic Spirituality! We cover Gods and Goddesses from this pantheon (Odin, Loki, Freya, etc), the Archetype of the Völva, Seidr (Norse magic and shamanism), Valkyries, Norse Mythology, Yggdrasil (the world Tree), Valhalla, Asgard, Energy Cleansing Techniques, Rituals, Magick, Special Holidays, Divination Techniques, Elder Futhark Runes and Rune Magick, Sacred Sites, beliefs specific to the Norse and Germanic Pantheon, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of this spirituality, and more. The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour class recording (video), and a detailed 72 page workbook in pdf form. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Sumerian Spirituality! We will cover Gods and Goddesses from these pantheons (Ra, Isis, Hathor, Horus, Osiris, etc), Egyptian Mythology, Energy Cleansing Techniques, Rituals, Heka (Egyptian Magick), Kemetic Spirituality, Special Holidays, Divination Techniques, Scyphomancy, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Ba and Ka, Sacred Sites, beliefs specific to the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Sumerian Pantheons, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of this spirituality, and more. The online/on-demand class includes a 3.5 hour class recording (video), and a detailed 100+ page workbook in pdf form. Please pay the $60 fee below.
-Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism, Christian Mysticism, and the Historical, Gnostic, Esoteric, Hidden info of the Christian Pantheon. I know that some people have a different experience and opinion of Christianity once they start to pursue the spiritual/pagan path. A teacher/mentor of mine helped my work through some of my feelings towards Christianity by helping me understand it also was a magickal paradigm. In this Soul Searcher workshop, we will explore the mystical, magickal, historical, and hidden side of Jesus, Mother Mary, Joseph, and the Christian god. We will cover Gods and Goddesses from these pantheons (including Lilith and Mary Magdelene), the history and origin story of Yahweh, the Essences, The Dead Sea Scrolls, explore deeper and divine meanings of holy books (Bible, Torah), Sacred Sites, Christian Witchcraft, other beliefs specific to the magickal and mystical Jewish and Christian Pantheons, Resources and Authors to Deepen your exploration of this spirituality, and more! The online/on-demand class includes a 3 hour class recording (video), and a detailed 80+ page workbook in pdf form. Please pay the $60 fee below.
On-Demand, Online Class Option: Each live online Zoom class will be recorded and available afterwards as an online/on-demand class for you to purchase if you missed the live class.
- Take the class in the comfort of your own home! You do not need to be technology savvy. If you can turn on a computer and check your email, you can take an online class. Its super simple…no advanced skills are needed.
- You can complete the class at your own pace.
- The online/on-demand class is a webinar video with an audio and visual component (screen presentation)
- Within 48 hours after receiving payment, Dr. Christina will email you the class recording, class workbook, and additional written materials
- Students can download and watch/listen to the webinars via Windows Media Player, VLC, or ITunes as many times as they want!
- Each class also includes a detailed workbook and extensive written materials in PDF format
- Dr. Christina is highly responsive and quickly replies to your emails if you have any questions.
- Concerned about taking an online class? Click here to learn more about our format
- Please contact Dr. Christina at 608.393.7353 or [email protected] with any questions. Purchase at the bottom of this page. Please note, all sales are final.