April 2017 Heart Chakra Reading

April 2017 Heart Chakra Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development.  In 2017 we are focusing on one Chakra a month. April brings us to the Heart Chakra, the center of unconditional love, forgiveness, hope, and peace. This month, I ask you to identify who or what keeps you chained to the past and does not allow you to move forward with your life….


Brief Overview of Chakras: The Chakras are the main energy centers in our subtle body. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.  The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years.


The Heart Chakra is located in the center of your chest. Its functions include love, self-love, balance, compassion, empathy, peace, respect, non-judgment, acceptance, connection, affinity, high vibrating emotions, and equilibrium. Love, hope, forgiveness, and compassion are the life lessons we learn through the Heart Chakra. The Sanskrit name for the Heart chakra is ‘Anahata’ which means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten.” Heart Chakra needs that must be met for healing and transcendence to occur include self-love, the ability to love others, ability to feel compassion and empathy for others, sense of peace, and hope.


April 2017 Heart Chakra Forecast: The Heart Chakra embodies high vibrating emotions like peace, gratitude, and joy. Many times unresolved issues and energy stuck in our past can contribute to the development of lower vibrating emotions like guilt, shame, and depression. This month, the universe is encouraging you to release your past and set yourself free. By constantly revisiting the past, living there, ruminating over it, thinking thoughts like ‘would have, could have, should have,’ and leaving it unhealed, we remain prisoners.  How can you embody and become Anahata (unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten) and release what no longer serves you a higher purpose?


Heart Chakra Forgiveness and Release Blend
• 3 drops Palo Santo essential oil
• 5 drops Bergamot essential oil
• 2 drops Rose essential oil
• 5 drops Myrrh essential oil


Directions: This blend is to be used in a diffuser. As you prepare the blend, have the thoughts and intent that you are ready to release patterns and energy from your past to set your soul free. Turn the diffuser on and breathe in the aroma and state the following affirmation. “Bless my heart, bless my mind, bless my soul. Whatever doesn’t serve me I release and let go.”


If you are interested in learning more about the ‘Heart Chakra, Forgiveness, and Cord Cutting’ please visit the Chakra Mini-Series page for monthly $17 mini chakra classes https://mindsoulandself.com/2017-chakra-mini-series/


Join us for a ‘Transpersonal Weekend with Dr. Christina’ in Madison, WI April 29 and 30, 2017. Two separate spiritual and personal growth events (Spirit Trance Day and Past Life Regression), join us for one or both: https://mindsoulandself.com/transpersonal/


Join us for our ‘Summer Solstice Women’s Chakra Retreat’ in West Bend, Wisconsin June 16 to 18, 2017: https://mindsoulandself.com/womens-wellness-retreats/


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Holistic Healing Facilitator, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit mindsoulandself.com. Many Blessings and Be Well!