Garden Gothis hosted by Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD and produced by Mead Public Library. A new episode will be released every other Friday. Garden Goth is a 3-segment podcast that focuses on the duality of life and death. Segment 1 (Memento Vivere) focuses on living a big and bold life to the fullest. Segment 2 (Memento Mori) explores the darker and less understood side of life through gothic gardening, gothic philosophy, gothic music, and other taboo and stigmatized things people might fear, not have exposure to, and misunderstand. Segment 3 focuses on gardening, horticulture, sustainability, and land conservation. Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD is an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, President of the Sheboygan County Master Gardeners and is on the Board of Directors, project chair of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center Indoor Gardens, a member of the American Herbalist Guild, a member of The American Botanical Council, botanical artist, and specializes in Heirloom plants and Gothic Gardening (black/dark plants and dramatic/bold design). Christina works in the realm of Spiritual Psychology. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, Training in Transpersonal Psychology, a Masters in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors in Anthropology, a Bachelors in Psychology, and is an ordained minister. Christina has been involved in the Goth, Industrial, Electronic, and underground music scenes for over 25 years.
In the Act (Podcast) By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
I was a guest on In the Act Podcast with Erica Hutzinger. Hosted by Erica Huntzinger, In the Act is a program on process and the creative life. Creativity does not just stop and start with artists; we all make aesthetic or guiding decisions. Our aim is to talk through the process and investigate how we choose to express ourselves and live creatively. We are connecting with people about their lives.
In the Act is part of the new Community Radio Station at Mead Public Library in Sheboygan, WI. After I was a guest on Erica’s podcast, I was offered my own podcast to host! Stay tuned for more info about my podcast, Garden Goth.
April 2020: Spring Blooms By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
My PhotoBlog: I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photoblog to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on.
April 2020 Photo Blog: Right now, the World is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The whole month of March slipped right by me. It was a month of uncertainty, fear, panic, and anxiety as I temporarily shut the doors of my physical business location until Safer at Home orders expire and the public health situation improves. Its like time stood still as it simultaneously sped up. As we moved into April, I started adjusting to this new normal, almost enjoying it in a way. Nature is very active this month as it continues waking up from winter slumber. I feel the birds and animals are also more lively right now with less human interference since many of us are sheltered in our homes. In fact, right now as I write this, I hear coyotes outside in our yard! We live in the city limits! Many cities are reporting bears, wolves, coyotes, etc venturing into residential areas since there are fewer humans around. Pollution is less and the air is clearing up. Nature will always win. This is an auspicious time to be alive. I do believe there is a great spiritual shift happening right now and on a deeper level, something for the higher good of all will come out of our current situation. Spending time out in my garden this month, my observation is, that while humans survive, nature thrives. We are all stuck at home hoarding our toilet paper while nature is blooming. My photo blog this month is titled Spring Blooms. My questions for you to ponder this month, What is the silver lining in our current situation for you? How can this help you thrive? Remember the metaphor of the lotus, the flower representative of the spiritual journey….it grows through the muck and murky, dirty water to transcend and float above it, a gorgeous flower. Sometimes we need difficult experiences in order to shine. ~Light, Love, and Blessings. Stay safe and healthy this month. Christina~
**All photos are the property of Christina Wilke-Burbach. All rights reserved ***
Lilac buds Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Lilac buds Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Pink Bleeding Hearts Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Pink Bleeding Hearts a Few Days later Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
White Bleeding Heart Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
White Bleeding Hearts a few days later Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Wormwood Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Woodland Strawberry Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Black Parrot Tulips in my Gothic Garden Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Violets Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
10 foot tall lilies emrging from the ground Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Heirloom Lilies emerging from the ground Picture by Christina Wilke-Burbach
January 2020: Working through emotions with art By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
My PhotoBlog: I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photoblog to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on.
January 2020 Photo Blog: Here are a few paintings I created this month to help me work through some stress, grief, and sadness I have been feeling. I really enjoy abstract art as a tool to express myself. When I lead art tours at JMKAC, I often use Visual Thinking Strategy to help people interpret art. You may find it helpful to ask yourself these questions when viewing art (especially when its abstract). 1. What’s going on in this picture? 2. What do you see what makes you say that? 3. What more can we find? Additional Questions 1. What stands out to you? 2. What interests you? 3. What does this remind you of? 4. How does it make you feel to be in this space? 5. Senses…smell, touch, taste, see, feel, hear, imagine, movement 6. Who, where, when, what, how? 7. Choose a title. Why? 8. Compare/contrast 9. One word that pops into your mind 10. Beginning, middle, or end?
Light, Love, and Blessings. Christina~
**All photos are the property of Christina Wilke-Burbach. All rights reserved ***
November 2019: Creative Energy By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
Intro to 2019 Photo Blog: 2019 is a journey into the world of non-verbal healing and personal growth here at Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photoblog this year to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on. I just recently had a revelation regarding my photography and am working on a project I hope to release later this year.
November 2019 Photo Blog: Winter, snow, and unseasonably cold temperatures came really early this year. We even had a snowstorm on Halloween. I struggle with seasonal depression every winter and that too came early this year. What really helped pull me out of the darkness was art and unleashing my creative energy. Below is my month in pictures…photos I took, a few paintings I did, and my new project of casting flowers in resin….. Light, Love, and Blessings. Christina~
October 2019: Autumn Glow By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
Intro to 2019 Photo Blog: 2019 is a journey into the world of non-verbal healing and personal growth here at Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photoblog this year to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on. I just recently had a revelation regarding my photography and am working on a project I hope to release later this year. I hosted a 4 day weekend retreat this past weekend (October 24 to 27) and the whole retreat explored non-verbal healing through music, breathwork, meditation, bodywork, art, and aromatherapy. This weekend definitely solidified my beliefs about the power of these modalities to bring about transformation.
October 2019 Photo Blog: “Just before the death of flowers, And before they are buried in snow, There comes a festival season, When nature is all aglow.”-Author Unknown. I love the month of October so much! To me, October symbolizes the death of one cycle and preparation for a new beginning. My birthday is in October, my wedding anniversary is Halloween/Day of the Dead, and I love Halloween! But my favorite part of October is the color, the harvest, and the transformation of nature. I have had so many moments of gratitude, peace, and joy this month being outside and watching the sunset, taking a walk, and harvesting my garden. Below is my month in pictures….this festival season when nature is all aglow. Light, Love, and Autumn Blessings. Christina~
September 2019: Herbal Mandalas By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
Intro to 2019 Photo Blog:2019 is a journey into the world of non-verbal healing and personal growth here at Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photoblog this year to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on. I just recently had a revelation regarding my photography and am working on a project I hope to release later this year.
September 2019 Photo Blog: I teach my Holistic Healing with Herbs series once a year (from April to November). Every September/October is the Spiritual Healing with Herbs class. Three days ago I taught this year’s class. As a group, we spent an hour walking the area around my office by the Sheboygan River and Wildcrafted herbs and botanicals. It was magical! We practiced connecting and communicating with nature. When we returned, we crafted herbal mandalas. Below are some of the Mandalas I have created with students over the past few years. Mandalas are a spiritual/personal growth technique to pull the unconscious into the conscious. As you look at our mandalas below, ask yourself…..What do you see? What does this remind you of? How does it feel to be in this space? What words pop into your mind? Happy September! Light and Love, Christina~
July 2019: California Dreamin’ By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
Photo by Christina Wilke-Burbach
Intro to 2019 Photo Blog: 2019 is a journey into the world of non-verbal healing and personal growth here at Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photo blog this year to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on. I just recently had a revelation regarding my photography and am working on a project I hope to release later this year.
July Photo Blog: This month I went on my yearly adventure to California and spent a week in San Diego. I love California for so many reasons. The culture, energy, open-mindedness, the ocean, the weather, and the horticulture! The flora is so different than the Midwest (where I live). My heart belongs to tropical plants! Plumeria, jasmine, palm trees….oh my!! This year I was lucky enough to come across Lantana. I had seen pictures of this stunning plant on Facebook (in one of the plant groups I am a part of) but had never seen it in person until last week. Amazing plant! It is in the Verbena family. Lantana are aromatic, colorful, and pollinator-friendly. But what I find the most fascinating is its different stages…from budding to blooming. The closed buds form beautiful geometric patterns. The flowers are multi-colored. The blooming order of the flowers is interesting as it blooms from the outside inward. The flower clusters also change color as they mature. The flowers then mature into toxic berries, which start off as green and turn black as they mature. This plant definitely made me think about transformation, personal evolution, and change.
As you view the photos, I’d like you to think about the many transformations you have gone through in your own life…from bud to bloom. What started your transformation(s)? How did it end? Is it still occurring? Has it changed you for the better? Is your life more beautiful as a result? Light, Love, and California Dreamin’~ Christina
Lantana in San Diego
**All photos are the property of Christina Wilke-Burbach. All rights reserved ***
The past few months I have written my blog at the end of the month instead of the beginning. Unintentionally, it has become a way for me to reflect on the past month and my experiences. June was an inspiring month for me. I had several revelations and magical moments. A more formal term for these magical moments is “peak experience.”
June 2019: Magical Moments By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
Intro to 2019 Photo Blog: 2019 is a journey into the world of non-verbal healing and personal growth here at Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally. I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photo blog this year to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on. I just recently had a revelation regarding my photography and am working on a project I hope to release later this year.
June Photo Blog: The past few months I have written my blog at the end of the month instead of the beginning. Unintentionally, it has become a way for me to reflect on the past month and my experiences. June was an inspiring month for me. I had several revelations and magical moments. A more formal term for these magical moments is “peak experience.”
“Peak experiences are sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, possibly the awareness of an “ultimate truth” and the unity of all things … the experience fills the individual with wonder and awe….he feels at one with the world, and is pleased with it ….” Abraham Maslow. They are moments when you feel more at one with yourself and the world, more integrated. You feel happy, even ecstatic, interconnected and in harmony. Peak experiences are one type of mystical experiences. Peak experiences play an important role in becoming-self-actualized. Peak experiences are not restricted solely to self-actualized individuals, however. Maslow believed that all people are capable of having these moments, but he also felt that self-actualized people were likely to experience them more often. Peak experiences are often described as transcendent moments of pure joy and elation. These are moments that stand out from everyday events. The memory of such events is lasting and people often liken them to a spiritual experience.
Maslow suggested that one of the best ways to think of peak experiences are to think of the most wonderful experiences of your life. Those moments of ecstasy and complete and utter happiness. Being in love is one example of a peak experience. Such moments may also occur when you are in a creative moment or when reading a book or listening to a movie. You might feel a sense of “being hit” by a particular creative work in a way that strikes an emotional chord inside of yourself. In one survey, people reported that peak experiences tended to occur during artistic, athletic or religious experiences. Moments in nature or during intimate moments with family or friends were also common. Achieving an important goal, either a personal or collective one, could also lead to a peak experience. You cannot create a peak experience at will. They are surprises and come unexpectedly. They are spontaneous. Below are photos that represent my magical moments this month. As you view the photos, I’d like you to think about the recent moments in your life that took your breath away…that inspired you….that filled your heart and made it burst. Light and Love~ Christina
**All photos are the property of Christina Wilke-Burbach. All rights reserved ***
May 2019: May Flowers
Art, Music, and TranscenDANCE By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA Mind, Soul, and Self LLC
2019 is a journey into the world of non-verbal healing and personal growth here at Mind, Soul, and Self LLC. I have come to understand, true ways to heal spiritually, psychologically and emotionally are non-verbal: through art, music, movement, meditative states, and bodywork/energy work. The language of the soul/psyche is symbols, images, colors, vibrations, sensations, and patterns; we communicate this non-verbally.
I have been on an incredible personal growth journey of my own the past few years into the world of art. I have become very involved with John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, WI. I am the chair of the JMKAC Indoor Gardens, a member of the Friends of the Arts Council, and a museum docent (teacher/tour guide). I try to take a new art class every month. I started joining my artist husband in his art studio to paint and experiment with making art. Coincidentally, my old office space was located in an art gallery and my current office space is in an entire building of art studios. My preferred social media has become Instagram. I try to post a new photograph every day. I have enjoyed experimenting with art and photography as ways to express myself. So I have decided to have a photo blog this year to complement this personal and professional journey that I am on. I just recently had a revelation regarding my photography and am working on a project I hope to release later this year.
As a Master Gardener/Herbalist/Natural Perfumer, naturally, much of my photography inspiration is plants, trees, and flowers. Nature is the greatest work of art. I find so much beauty in the sky, water, and land. In animals and botanicals. I feel closer to the divine when I am surrounded by nature. As above, so below. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because nature wakes up from her winter slumber. Animals come out of hibernation and all the blossoms and blooms of new life. The days get longer and warmer. Its a time of growth and positivity. I find it as gorgeous as it is inspiring because we forget that we humans are nature too. We are not separate from nature. We are a part of nature. When we consider ourselves distanced from the sun, moon, stars, birds, bees, and the trees it can lead to feeling unbalanced, depressed, and ungrounded. We too ebb and flow with the cycles of nature whether we realize it or not.
“Spring is a time of outward growth, not only in nature but in us as well. Spring is a great time to look at the goals you’ve set for yourself for the year and to plan them out so you can move forward to meet them. It’s also a time of renewed energy. Paying attention to the rhythms of the seasons can help us to feel more stable and centered as a person. It can also help us see ourselves as part of the bigger picture of nature where everything is working together synergistically. These things can help us to focus and live more mindfully during the coming season. Being attentive to the cycles of nature can impact your physical and emotional health for the better.” Meagan Visser
Below are pictures of my May Flowers in my own personal garden. As you view them, contemplate if you live a life in flow with the cycles of nature. How can you take the energy and new growth of springtime and use it as a catalyst to blossom in your own life?
I finally am the proud momma of a Magnolia Tree!
Violets growing outside my office
Gingko Biloba leaf buds
Plum Tree in bloom
Black Parrot Tulip about to bloom
Black Parrot Tulip in Full Bloom
Woodland Strawberries
White Bleeding Hearts
Pink Bleeding Hearts
Lilac about to bloom
Lilac about to bloom
Lilac starting to bloom
White Lilacs
Daisy cultivar
Fern in Fiddlehead stage
**All photos are the property of Christina Wilke-Burbach. All rights reserved ***