November 2018 Chakra Reading: Gratitude

November 2018 Chakra Reading: Gratitude
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a specific Chakra or a Chakra concept and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. This month, November, we are going to focus on gratitude and cultivating the higher vibrating emotions of the Heart Chakra. Since Thanksgiving is this month, this is traditionally a time to think about what is good in your life and what you are thankful for.

Brief Overview of the Chakras:
The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.

The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

The Chakras, Gratitude, and High Vibrating Emotions

“Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life is your true prosperity.” Eckhard Tolle

“The best way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones.” ~ William Atkinson –

Positive emotions make you feel happy and joyful. Cultivating positivity can transform and actually shape who we are. According to Barbara Fredrickson, a social psychologist, “Negative emotions are necessary for us to flourish, and positive emotions are by nature subtle and fleeting; the secret is not to deny their transience but to find ways to increase their quantity. Rather than trying to eliminate negativity, she recommends we balance negative feelings with positive ones.”

Negativity and lower vibrating emotions often are primal emotions that exist in the lower three chakras; the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus. Low vibrating emotions include anger, fear, panic, anxiety, powerlessness, depression, shame, guilt, greed, boredom, pessimism, frustration, disappointment, doubt, rage, jealousy, and grief. They make us feel bad and are uncomfortable. The lower chakras are more about survival, power, and the material world whereas the upper chakras are more about unity, self-actualization, and transcendence.

The functions of the Heart Chakra include the high vibrating emotions and feelings of love, self-love, compassion, empathy, peace, respect, non-judgment, acceptance, forgiveness, hope, contentment, optimism, joy, appreciation, passion, enthusiasm, awe, serenity, and gratitude. These emotions make us feel expansive and build resilience.

1. One way to shift low vibrating emotions is to think of the lower vibrating emotion you want to release/heal.
2. Then identify the opposite of that emotion- The Heart Chakra Emotion. For example, if anxiety is a low vibrating emotion you want to release, then perhaps calmness is the opposite emotion of anxiety to you.
3. Create an affirmation that will shift the energy from negative to positive. Affirmations are short, positive sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. For instance, once again using anxiety as the low vibrating emotion and calmness as its opposite: “ Every cell of my body is relaxed and calm.”
4. Utilize the affirmation(s) when you are feeling and experiencing the low vibrating emotion. Repetition is key, so repeat the affirmation as many times as you need until you start to feel a little better

November 2018 Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: Gratitude is a very high vibrating Heart Chakra emotion. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. This Thanksgiving, spend some time reflecting on what you are truly thankful for. Even when times seem tough and life is stressful, there is always a silver lining. We all have something to be grateful for….

Gratitude Exercise:
Since the Chakras guide every area of our lives, I like to structure my gratitude exercise around the chakras. Connect with your heart and ask, “What am I grateful in each one of my chakras?” You can utilize the prompts that I created below.

Root Chakra: Foundation, Security, Survival, Stability, Trust, Physical Health, Home, Job, Finances, Career Path
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Sacral Chakra: desire, pleasure, creativity, sexuality, creativity, relationships, family, friends, hobbies
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Solar Plexus: Personal Power, Will, Emotional Center, Self-Esteem/image, Determination
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Heart Chakra: love, self-love, inner-child, respect, non-judgment, empathy
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Higher Heart Chakra: healing work, servitude, humanitarian, donating, unconditional love for all humanity
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Throat Chakra: Self-expression, communication, hearing and speaking, art, music, dance, beauty
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Third Eye Chakra: Clarity, seeing, intuition, imagination, dreaming, insight, goals, dreams, aspirations, visualization, inner sight, seeing your life clearly
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Crown Chakra: Inner wisdom, understanding, connection to the divine/universe/God, your spiritual journey
What I am grateful for in this Chakra:

Journal what you are grateful for; take pictures of what you are grateful for; find objects or tokens that reflect or symbolize what you are grateful for. Reflect on your gratitude for all that is good in your life on a regular basis, especially when you are struggling with some of the lower vibrating emotions of the lower chakras.

Want to learn more about the chakras?
Join us for our ‘Women’s Winter Solstice Chakra Weekend Retreat’ in West Bend, Wisconsin December 14 to 16, 2018:

Check out all of our online Chakra classes that you can take in the comfort of your own home:

About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, Docent, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. She has 20 years of experience in psychology, spirituality, and natural health. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

September 2018 Chakra Reading: The Rainbow Bridge

September 2018 Chakra Reading: The Rainbow Bridge
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

Chakra Spirit Art by Crystal Gilbert (created at one of my Chakra Retreats)

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a specific Chakra or a Chakra concept and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. This month, we are going to focus on the concept that the Chakras are the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth. This blog will be a little different than my others as it will include pictures and images. My goal is to eventually write more photo blogs.

Brief Overview of the Chakras:
The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.

The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years, but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high-frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

Rainbow Bridge:
The personal/main Chakras are generally seen as rainbow colored. The root is usually seen as red, sacral as orange, solar plexus as yellow, heart as green, higher heart as turquoise, throat as blue, third eye as purple, and crown as white. The Higher Centers are also called Jacob’s Ladder, Transpersonal Chakras, Ascension Chakras, or Monad. They operate outside of the physical body and align a person to their higher self, the angelic kingdom, the universal life force, all that is, and the oneness of all being. The higher chakras colors are white, silver, gold, ultraviolet, iridescent.

The Lower Centers are also called Subpersonal Chakras. They are located below the physical self. They connect you to earth energy, the elements, and elementals. Their colors include Earth Tones such as Brown, Deep Red, Olive Green, Deep Yellow, and Magenta. The first chakra group (subpersonal) are meant to help you with your development in regards to the Earth; they help you to become one with the planet. Then the main Chakras are meant to help you in your own personal development. Then, the next chakra group (transpersonal) help you to become one with the universe. Your awareness is slowly being moved away from your center (your own self) and being moved outward to encompass the larger framework of other peoples, realities, and divinity itself.

The chakras are formed with a mixture of ethereal, astral and mental substances. It is through them that we can connect with the denser terrestrial energies of the planet and, at the same time, with the most subtle vibrations of the cosmic space. All the Chakras (subpersonal, personal, transpersonal), when appropriately balanced, ignite an alchemical phenomenon known as the Unification of the Chakras. The Transpersonal and Subpersonal Chakras connect us the higher vibrations of the cosmos and Gaia. They are the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth.

The Hara Line is the major nadi (river of energy), in which energy passes through the central part of the human body, where the primary personal chakra system is located. The Hara Line is the conduit that allows the Light energy to pass down to the Transpersonal Chakras through the Crown, through the rest of the personal chakras downward towards the Earth Star, expressing and manifesting the energy of God on Earth through this connection. The Transpersonal Chakras join the Soul Star with the Earthstar and Star Core of the Earth. Just as the Sushumna, or Great Central Channel, connects the personal chakras (crown to root) in the physical body, the Hara Line connects the Transpersonal Chakras to the Subpersonal Chakras through the subtle bodies.

September 2018 Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: The language of the soul is not words. The soul/psyche speaks in images, symbols, colors, and pictures. Within the past year, I have had an incredible awakening to the power of art, color, and images in healing and personal growth. Colors are not only associated with the chakras, but can also represent different layers of the aura, feelings, and emotions. I love bold, beautiful colors. I see the chakra colors and what they represent everywhere. I feel that vibrant, dynamic color represents healthiness, happiness, and wholeness….a true merging of heaven and earth. I always try to find places, settings, and environments with the most colors possible. Below are pictures of a recent color adventure of mine. I visited and meditated in P.E.A.R.L. (prism emitting radiant abstracted light) an art sculpture in Sheboygan, WI by artist and architect Micheal Moore of Tres Birds Workshop. I am a Master Gardener at John Micheal Kohler Arts Center (where this sculpture is located) and helped designed the gardens around the prisms. I tried to make them as colorful as possible. This month, I encourage you to go on your own color adventure. What colors are you attracted to? Why? What do they mean to you? Where can you find the most color? How is your soul/psyche/universe communicating with you through color, images, and pictures? How are your chakras the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth?

Me meditating inside PEARL
PEARL from a distance
PEARL refracting light and creating a rainbow on the grass


Want to learn more about the chakras?

Join us for our ‘Women’s Autumn Equinox Chakra Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin September 14 to 16, 2018:

‘Advanced Chakra and Energy Healing Class’ September 29, 2018 in Sheboygan, WI:

About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, Docent, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. She has 20 years of experience in psychology, spirituality, and natural health. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

August 2018 Chakra Reading: Self-Inventory

August 2018 Chakra Reading: Self-Inventory
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a specific Chakra or a Chakra concept and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. This month, we are going to focus on taking a self-inventory to identify areas of concern in our life and to help us build self-awareness.

Brief Overview of the Chakras:
The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.

The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

You don’t know what you don’t know….. Self-awareness involves being aware of different aspects of the self, including traits, behaviors, and feelings. It is also the ability to develop introspection; to look deeply into yourself and contemplate your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Do you self-reflect? Do you look into your own soul? Do you like what you see? If not, what can you do to change?

August 2018 Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: When we are stressed, ill, experiencing disease or imbalance, not satisfied with our life, or not reaching our full potential, our chakras may be slow, energy may be stuck, you may have stagnant energy, or not have adequate energy flowing through the Chakras. How does this happen? Trauma, life experiences, karma, cultural expectations, beliefs, ideas, emotions, actions, and maladaptive patterns can disturb and distort energy flow. In order to heal, we need to release blocked energy (emotions, old patterns, maladaptive beliefs). We also need to be aware of our beliefs and thinking and modify them in order to keep energy flowing freely. Use the following assessment questions to ponder the patterns and beliefs you hold in each chakra area. This can help you identify areas in your life that need healing.

Mind, Soul, and Self’s Chakra Assessment:

Root Chakra:
Do you appreciate your body and take good care of yourself?
Do you exercise regularly? Is your weight within your ideal range?
Do you maintain a healthy diet, exercise and relax regularly?
Do you feel great about your physical body? How would you rate your health?
Do you feel physically and mentally stable?
Do you feel centered and focused in each moment?
Do you have a foundation that supports your life? Do you easily remain grounded while under stress?
Are you aware of your needs and continue to be sure they are met?
Do you feel confident, safe and secure in your life on a day-to-day basis? Do you fear almost nothing?
Do you feel comfortable with your right to fully occupy your body and live your life?
Do you have what you need in order to survive? Do you believe you have the right to be you here and now?
Do you have issues with trust?
Do feel that you are in control of your life?
Do you believe you can have and create what you want in your life?
Do you spend time outside in nature on a regular basis?

Sacral Chakra:
Do you feel connected to your creative self? How do you express your creativity?
Do you feel and accept that you are a sensual being?
Are you comfortable and happy with your sex life?
Do you have difficulty with your sexuality or with giving or receiving sexual pleasure?
Do you have strong interpersonal relationships? Are you able to feel in harmony and balance within yourself and within relationships?
Do you feel joy and pleasure in your life?

Solar Plexus:
Do you feel confident in who you are?
Are your goals accomplished through determination and focus?
Do you accomplish what you set out to do?
Do you feel comfortable being different than those around you?
Do you sometimes feel powerless or sometimes so powerful that it almost frightens you?
Have you had difficulty in achieving your potential no matter how hard you work?
Do you sometimes feel like a victim at the mercy of other people?
Do you have difficulty in taking responsibility for your own actions and tend to blame others when things go wrong?
How would you rate your general energy level?

Heart Chakra:
Do you love yourself? Are you filled with a deep love for all life?
Is love abundant in your life? Do you give and receive love?
Do you have successful long term relationships?
Are you able to accept others the way they are?
Do you find it difficult to love or feel loved?
Do you carry a lot of grief in your heart? Are you able to forgive past hurts from others?

Higher Heart Chakra:
Do you feel called to serve humanity?
Do you have joy and unconditional love for all of humanity?
Do you feel as if you are a healer?
Do you donate or volunteer? why or why not?
Do you feel as if you are here on earth at this time for a higher and greater good?

Throat Chakra:
Do you have difficulty expressing your feelings verbally?
Do you communicate effectively?
Do you speak your truth to yourself and others?
Are you a good listener?
Do you feel comfortable in silence?
Do you find it difficult to pick up social cues–for example when someone wants to speak, or when they are finished speaking and it is your turn?

Third Eye Chakra
Do you believe in intuition?
Is intuition something you either ridicule or see as a special gift for other people but not for you?
Do you trust your intuition?
Are contemplation and meditation an important part of your life?
Do you believe in the power of intention?
Do you find it difficult to follow through with ideas and plan your life?
Do you have a problem with visualization?
Do you have problems with imagination, and need instead to intellectualize everything?
Do you see the bigger picture?

Crown Chakra
Do you feel connected with your higher self?
Are you on track with your life’s purpose? Do you know what your life’s purpose is?
Do you feel a peaceful sense of contentment on the inside no matter what is going on in the outside world?
Do you feel a strong connection with the universe/God/Mother Earth/The Divine?
Does your life have significant meaning?
Do you want to have a direct connection with the Divine?

Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina

Want to learn more about the chakras?

Join us for our ‘Women’s Autumn Equinox Chakra Weekend Retreat’ in West Bend, Wisconsin September 14 to 16, 2018:

Advanced Chakra and Energy Healing class September 29, 2018 in Sheboygan, WI:

About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, Docent, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. She has 20 years of experience in psychology, spirituality, and natural health. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

July 2018 Chakra Reading: The Nadis

July 2018 Chakra Reading: The Nadis
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a specific Chakra or a Chakra concept and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. This month, we are going to focus on the Nadis (rivers of energy) that create the chakras.

Brief Overview of the Chakras:
The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes. The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years, but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high-frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

How are the Chakras formed?
The chakras are formed with a mixture of ethereal, astral and mental substances. It is through the chakras that we can connect with the denser terrestrial energies of earth, at the same time, with the subtle vibrations of the universe. These energy flows literally make the Chakras the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth. Rivers of energy/energy flows called Nadis create the Chakras. Nadis are the channels through which, according to Ayurveda, prana and the energies of the subtle body, are said to flow. These energy highways are called Meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The major Nadis connect and intersect at special points of luminosity and intensity which are called Chakras. It is believed that the energy body is a complex woven matrix of crisscrossing energy lines. Where lesser Nadis intersect is where the minor chakras are located. Where even smaller flows of energy crisscross are where the acupuncture points are located. Some ancient texts claim there are between 72,000-350,000 Nadis in the etheric body.

Seven main energy flows create the main Chakras. Energy flows up and down, in and out of each chakra. Energy flows from the universe down from Crown to Root in a path called Manifestation. Thought forms become physical reality; creation. A thought, idea, and inspiration become a physical reality. Energy flows up from the earth and nature, through the bottom of the feet, along the spine, and out the top of the head in a flow called Liberation. Energy stored within matter is released….to purge, to cleanse, to be set free. Physical form is released to become something greater. Energy flows in horizontally from the environment through each Chakra in Reception (information, love, touch, emotions). Energy flows out horizontally to the environment through Expression (creativity, love, touch, thoughts).

Sushumna is the Nadi that connects the root chakra to the crown chakra. It is very important in Yoga and Tantra. It is the grand central channel through which Kundalini rises. Pingala is a Nadi that is associated with solar energy. Pingala is hot, extroverted, active energy. Its temperature is heating and swirls from the left testicle/left ovary along the spine and out the right nostril. Ida is a Nadi associated with lunar, nurturing, cooling, introverted, intuitive, passive energy. It swirls from the right testicle/right ovary along the spine and out the left nostril. Where the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna all intersect is where the Major Personal Chakras are formed (along the spine).

The Hara Line is the major nadi (river of energy), the connects the Transpersonal Chakra system above the head to the Personal Chakra system in the body to the Subpersonal System below the feet. The Hara Line is the conduit that allows the Light energy from Source to pass down to the Transpersonal Chakras, then down through the Crown, through the rest of the personal chakras along the spine, down the legs, downward towards the Earth Star (6 inches below your feet), merging into the center of the Earth. Just as the Sushumna, or grand central channel, connects the personal chakras in the physical body (Root to Crown), the Hara Line connects the Transpersonal Chakras to the Subpersonal Chakras through the subtle bodies.

July 2018 Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: I always say, in order to bring the Chakra system and subsequent mind, body, and spirit into balance, we need to look at the energy flows that create the Chakras in the first place. Take a moment and assess the energy flow concepts in your life. How good are you at manifesting and creating? If not so good, then your flow of manifestation needs some work. Connect more with earth, outdoors, animals, water, and nature. Are you a hoarder, live a cluttered life, have a hard time letting people, places, and things go? Then your flow of liberation needs some work. Connect with the universe, cosmos, meditate and pray. Are you good at reading, intuiting, and interpreting other people and their needs, feelings, and emotions? If not, then your flow of reception needs some work. Sharpen your non-verbal communication skills and get better at trusting your intuition and reading body language. Are you communicative and expressive? If not, then your flow of expression needs some work. Create art, use music, journal, dance, and movement to let your authentic self shine! Are you in touch with your active, extroverted, take charge energy? If not, then pingala needs some work. Are you intuitive, nurturing, and introspective? Of not, then ida needs some work. Alternate nose breathing, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and acupuncture are wonderful methods for working with ida and pingala energy flows. Are you progressing along at a steady pace in your personal growth, spiritual development, and healing process? Or do you feel stuck? If so, then Sushumna needs attention. Sushumna actually means sukha-mana—that is, a joyful (sukha) mind (mana). Find activities that cultivate a joyful mind. Remember, unless you are the universal mind and source of all, we all need a little work. It’s ok! Enjoy the journey!

Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina


Want to learn more about the Chakras? Check out all of our discounted Chakra Classes this month!!:


$55 Chakra Balancing Sessions in Sheboygan, WI and via phone and webcam July 26 to 29:

Advanced Chakra and Energy Healing class September 29, 2018 in Sheboygan, WI:


Join us for our ‘Women’s Autumn Equinox Chakra Weekend Retreat’ in West Bend, Wisconsin September 14 to 16, 2018:


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, Docent, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

June 2018 Chakra Reading: The Chakra Hierarchy of Needs

June 2018 Chakra Reading: The Chakra Hierarchy of Needs
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a specific Chakra or a Chakra concept and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. This month, we are going to focus on Chakra Psychology; specifically, the Chakra Hierarchy of Needs.

Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras. The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.

The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

How do the Chakra get unbalanced in the first place? When we are stressed, ill, experiencing disease or imbalance, not satisfied with our life, or not reaching our full potential, our chakras may become unbalanced, energy may be stuck, you may have stagnant energy, or not have adequate energy flowing through the Chakras. How does this happen? Trauma, life experiences, karma, cultural expectations, beliefs, ideas, emotions, actions, and maladaptive patterns can disturb and distort energy flow. In order to heal, we need to release blocked energy (emotions, old patterns, maladaptive beliefs). We also need to be aware of our beliefs and thinking and modify them in order to keep energy flowing freely. Sure, you can use crystals, yoga, Reiki, aromatherapy, sound, etc to clear energy and balance your chakras, but if you don’t address the underlying maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors contributing to your imbalance you will never get to the root of your problem and heal.

Chakra Hierarchy of Needs: Chakra Psychology uses the Chakra system as a model of human development and consciousness evolution. Psychology is the study of the human psyche; our mind, soul, emotions, behavior, attitudes, and cognitions. Psychologist Abraham Maslow stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth. In order to evolve our consciousness, we have certain needs that must be met. In order to truly heal and meet these needs, we need to change the way we think, act, and behave.
The needs are a pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid is the largest as these needs are the most important for our survival. As you move up the pyramid, the needs become more about emotional health, then personal growth and then spiritual development.
The lower level needs must be satisfied before higher-order needs can influence behavior. If the lower level needs haven’t been met, a person must satisfy those needs before trying to satisfy higher level needs. Once the lower level needs have been satisfied, a person can then focus their behavior on the needs of the next level. Once each level’s needs are met, then the next level becomes important. When you encounter an emotional or behavior issue, identify which chakra or level of the pyramid the concerns is in and then try to find out if there are needs in the lower chakras below the chakra(s) of concern that are not being met, and take steps to meet them if possible.

Root Chakra Consciousness: –Grounding, home, work, car, finances, career, food, shelter, physical health, manifestation, trust, survival, security

Root Chakra – Needs That Must Be Met: Physical safety, shelter/home, food to eat, clean water, clean air, clothing, enough finances to meet basic needs, transportation, trust, a satisfactory job/career, physical health


Sacral Chakra Consciousness– Feeling, self-gratification, pleasure, relationships, belongingness, your tribe, joy, creativity, sensuality, and sexuality

Sacral Chakra –Needs That Must Be Met: Healthy relationships, friendships, belongingness, sense of connection, healthy sex life, physical and emotional intimacy, the expression of feelings, feeling desired, having a creative outlet


Solar Plexus Chakra Consciousness – Energy, ego, power, personality, will, risk, motivation, determination, and action.

Solar Plexus Chakra –Needs that Must Be Met: Self-Esteem, Health Boundaries, Motivation and Determination, non-abuse of power, sense of self, independence, autonomy/unique personality, confidence, emotional health


Heart Chakra Consciousness: Love, self-love, inner-child, balance, compassion, empathy, peace, respect, non-judgment, acceptance, connection, affinity, high vibrating emotions, equilibrium

Heart Chakra – Needs that Must Be Met: Self-love, ability to love others, ability to feel compassion and empathy for others, sense of peace, hope


Higher Heart Chakra Consciousness: Unconditional love for all of humanity, healing the world around you, increasing the vibration of humanity, practicing the lessons of the heart, serving, donating, volunteering, giving back to your community in some way, generosity, altruism, and humanitarian work.

Higher Heart Chakra – Needs that Must Be Met: The feeling that you are here for some greater purpose and that you can influence the others/community/world by your actions, sense of responsibility


Throat Chakra Consciousness: Communication, self-expression, being heard, being validated, integrity.

Throat Chakra – Needs that Must Be Met: Ability to express one’s self non-verbally (through music, art, etc), Healthy communication- Assertiveness-not aggressive or passive, being heard and validated, appreciation for art/beauty/aestheticism


Third Eye Chakra Consciousness: Clarity, seeing, intuition, insight, goals, dreams, aspirations, imagination, dreaming, visualization, inner sight, inner guidance, intelligence, self-realization, seeing your life clearly, seeing the bigger picture. Ability to perceive patterns in your life

Third Eye Chakra – Needs that Must Be Met: Ability to dream and have goals and aspirations, realizing personal potential, ability to see the whole picture and have insight, ability to find meaning, personal growth and peak experiences.


Crown Chakra Consciousness: Spiritual connection, enlightenment, transcendence, awakening, serenity, beliefs, morals, understanding, thought, awareness, knowledge, wisdom, universal intelligence, pure consciousness, karma, grace, and bliss

Crown Chakra – Needs that Must Be Met: Spiritual connection, faith, philosophical


June 2018 Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: Identify the key/core issue you are healing or attempting to heal in your life right now. Then determine what Chakra holds that consciousness. When you encounter an emotional or behavioral issue, identify which chakra or level of the pyramid the concerns is in and then try to find out if there are lower level needs that are not being met, and take steps to meet them if possible. Determine if all your needs in that Chakra are met or if you have needs in lower chakras that must first be met. It’s important to note that our needs are constantly changing. As one need is met, we desire other needs. So we can move back through the chakras more than once.

How do we meet the needs in our chakras? By addressing the underlying maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Change the way you think, act, and behave. Below are some suggested methods:

• Affirmations
• Cognitive Restructuring
• Journaling
• Hypnosis
• Meditation
• Guided Imagery
• Contemplation
• Energy Psychology (EFT/Tapping)
• Discussion of how the topic/theme is relevant in your life
• Mandalas and Artwork

Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina

Want to learn more about the Chakras? Check out all of our discounted Chakra Classes, Chakra Balancing sessions, and Chakra Intuitive Readings with Dr. Christina this month!!:


Join us for our ‘Women’s Summer Solstice Chakra Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin June 22 to 24, 2018:


Advanced Chakra and Energy Healing class September 29, 2018 in Sheboygan, WI:


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, Docent, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

May 2018 Chest/Breast Chakra Reading

May 2018 Chest/Breast Chakra Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a Chakra and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. May brings us to the Chest Chakras. These are minor chakras located above each breast. These Chakras influence nutrition on a mind, body, and spirit level. This month, the Chest Chakras ask you, “what feeds your soul?’

Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras.

The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.  The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

The Chest Chakras are minor Chakras located above each breast. Though there is an energy center above each breast, technically together they make up one chakra. These energy centers are usually seen as some shade of pink, turquoise, or green. Please do not assume that a minor Chakra is not as important as a major Chakra; all the energy centers work together to keep us whole, complete, and balanced. The Chest Chakras work in conjunction with the Heart and Higher Heart Chakras. The lower chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, etc) are very physical and function more in regards to material possessions, survival, belongingness, and emotional needs. As we work up the chakra system and move into the upper chakras (Heart, Higher Heart, Throat, etc), the Chakra functions become more spiritual, personal growth, and transcendent in nature. The Chest Chakras regulate nutrition. Not just physical nutrition (what we need to eat to survive), but also emotional nutrition (activities, people, places, and things that comfort us and bring us peace and joy) and spiritual nutrition (activities, people, places, and things that revitalize you, rejuvenate you, increase your vibration, and make you feel like you have a purpose and passion for existing).

May 2018 Chest Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: What feeds your soul? What makes you feel alive and vibrant? What connects you to something greater than yourself? What do you do that affects your life in a profound way and leads to personal growth and spiritual development? How do you evolve your soul? This month, contemplate and assess how you nurture your soul.

The past year I have been on a personal quest to answer this question for myself. I have become very involved in volunteerism. At one point, I recently had 5 different volunteer jobs. A few months ago, I found the one that completes me. The one that makes me feel alive, vibrant, and like I matter. The one where I can serve my community and also make soul connections with other volunteers. The one that makes me light up and my soul smile. I became a docent at John Michael Kohler Arts Center. A docent is a teacher in an art museum. I lead tours for adults, teens, and children and encourage discussion and facilitate others response to art. I finally know what feeds my own soul.

Since the Chest Chakras are connected to the Heart and Higher Heart, exploring themes and functions of those two chakras can assist you in finding your source of spiritual nutrition.

The Heart Chakra’s functions and purpose include love, self-love, compassion, empathy, peace, respect, non-judgment, acceptance. The Heart Chakras Lessons include Love, hope, forgiveness, and compassion. The Heart honors love and is driven by love.

Heart Chakra Journal Questions: Is there balance between my giving and receiving in the fullness of love and compassion and the openness of my heart space, both for myself and for others? Do I love myself unconditionally? Do I accept myself? Do I love others unconditionally? Why or why not? What does unconditional mean to me?

The Higher Heart Chakra Functions and Purpose include unconditional love for all of humanity, healing the world around you, increasing the vibration of humanity, practicing the lessons of the heart, serving, donating, volunteering, giving back to your community in some way, generosity, altruism, and humanitarian work. Higher Heart Chakra Lessons include Compassion, Acceptance, Servitude, Humanitarian, Healing Humanity and the World Around You, Global Responsibility. Reflects a person’s understanding, acceptance and practice of the universal concepts of Universal Love and Compassion, or “walking the talk.” Its influence allows us to care about and connect with billions of other people, creating a web of connection that has not been possible before. The Higher Heart honors The Lessons of the Heart and is driven by: Unconditional Love and Sense of Purpose.

Higher Heart Journal Questions: Have you felt or heard a call to heal? How are you a healer? How can you become more of a healer? How do you serve humankind? Do you understand the concepts of Universal Love, Acceptance, and Compassion? Do you practice these concepts? Do you truly have unconditional love and acceptance for all? How can you work on having unconditional love and acceptance for all? Do I serve all of humanity in some way (donate, volunteer, etc)? Do you have the feeling that you are here for some greater purpose and that you can influence the others/community/world by your actions?

I encourage you to pursue volunteering, donating, altruism, humanitarian work, and philanthropy. See if tapping into your heart and higher heart can help you figure out what feeds your soul. Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina

Join us for our ‘Women’s Summer Solstice Chakra Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin June 22 to 24, 2018:

About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

April 2018 Hand Chakra Reading

April 2018 Hand Chakra Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a Chakra and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. April brings us to the Hand Chakras, minor Chakras on the palm of each hand. These Chakras influence healing and transmutation. Healing energies from the universe (such as Reiki) are channeled through these chakras. Energy flows from the universe to the crown chakra, to the third eye, to the throat, to the higher heart, to the heart, then down the arms and out the palm of the hands. So the energy of the Hand Chakras is literally heart energy; full of compassion, light, and love. We can pass this love energy to ourselves or on to others. Massage therapists, Energy Healers, Chiropractors, Nurses, and others with a healing touch are guided by the Hand Chakras. The Hand Chakras can assist in transforming dense energy into higher vibrating energy. This month, the Hand Chakras ask you, metaphorically, – can you change lead into gold?


Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras. The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes. The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.

The Hand Chakras are minor Chakras located on the palm of each hand. Though there is an energy center on each hand, technically together they make up one chakra. These energy centers are usually seen as some shade of pink. Please do not assume that a minor Chakra is not as important as a major Chakra; all the energy centers work together to keep us whole, complete, and balanced. The Hand Chakras work in conjunction with the Heart and Higher Heart Chakras and influence healing and transmutation. Healing energies from the universe (such as Reiki) are channeled through these chakras. Energy flows from the universe/source down to the crown chakra, to the third eye, to the throat, to the higher heart, to the heart, then down the arms and out the palms of the hands. So the energy of the Hand Chakras is literally heart energy; full of compassion, gratitude, harmony, peace, light, and love. We can pass this love energy to ourselves or on to others. By strengthening the Hand Chakras, we are also increasing their connection with the Heart Chakra and thereby increasing our capacity to give love and receive love. Heart energy is the highest vibrating energy; therefore, energy from the Hand Chakras can be used to transmute negative, dense, low vibrating energy into more useful, higher vibrating energy.

April 2018 Hand Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: Contemplate and assess sources of negativity and low vibrating energy in your life. Are they people, places, situations, or things? Or are they limiting beliefs and thoughts you have about yourself? Is it time to let go? Are you ready to release what holds you down, blocks your path, and keeps you stuck? Transmutation refers to the change of one substance into another. In alchemy, Magnum opus is the process of personal and spiritual transformation by taking the junk and chaos in your life and using it as the catalyst for enlightenment. Are you ready to change this lead into gold?

Here is a Meditation to help you on your journey:

  • Sit with your hands in prayer position in front of you.
  • Visualize roots growing out of your feet and going down into the earth below you and grounding and earthing your entire body.
  • When you are ready, visualize white light entering the crown of your head and filling the whole of your body from top to toe. See it entering each one of your chakras in turn, filling, cleansing, balancing and harmonizing each one.
  • Watch as the energy flows from your crown chakra, to the third eye, to the throat, to the higher heart, to the heart, then down the arms and out the palms of the hands.
  • Visualize high vibrating heart energy flowing out of the palms of your hands and filling the whole world!
  • If you have identified a source of negativity in your life, visualize the energy from your Hand chakras flowing to this negativity and slowly starting to raise its vibration. Bless this source of negativity in your life and then release it and set it free.
  • Sit for as long as you like, before drawing your ‘roots’ up from the earth and bringing yourself back into the present.
    Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina

Join us for our ‘Women’s May Day Retreat’ Saturday May 5, 2018 from 8am to 6:30pm In West Bend, Wisconsin:


Join us for our ‘Women’s Summer Solstice Chakra Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin June 22 to 24, 2018:


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be W

March 2018 Hip Chakra and Kundalini Reading

March 2018 Hip Chakra and Kundalini Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC


The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a Chakra and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. March brings us to the Hip Chakras, minor chakras on each side of your body, at the center of the hip. These chakras influence and regulate Kundalini and are connected to the Root chakra. The Hip Chakras and Kundalini are here to remind us that the Spiritual path is a journey, not a destination. We want to take it slow and easy and do the work…integrating and processing our lessons along the way. Healing is not easy and ‘enlightenment’ is a process and not something that you can just achieve overnight. This month, the Hip Chakras ask you – do you do the work, or do you just want to get there now?


Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras.


The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.  The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.


The Hip Chakras are minor Chakras located on each side of your body, at the center of the hip. There is one on each hip. These energy centers are usually seen as some shade of deep red, pink, or magenta. These chakras influence and regulate Kundalini. Please do not assume that a minor Chakra is not as important as a major Chakra; all the energy centers work together to keep us whole, complete, and balanced. Minor Chakras each work with a Major Chakra. The Hips work with the Root Chakra. Kundalini (also known as Shakti) is a great, primal, feminine, creative energy that exists in everyone in the area of the Root Chakra, usually in a dormant, sleeping state. This means that most people are not aware of it, do not feel it, and have no idea it is there. Kundalini remains dormant until one is ready for it and until one awakens it (usually through meditation, breathwork, yoga, or other personal growth and spiritual practices). Kundalini energy represents pure potential and when awakened releases an intense amount of energy. Kundalini is typically represented as serpent or a snake and lies coiled. When it becomes activated, it uncoils and starts to rise through Sushumna, the Great Central Channel (along spine from tailbone to top of head). The main chakras are located along the Great Central Channel. Kundalini moves up from the Root through each one of the Chakras and comes out the top of the head (Crown Chakra). This process is known as Kundalini rising. According to Buddhist, Hindu, and Tantric beliefs, when Kundalini rises through the Chakras and passes the Crown Chakra, she unites with Shiva, which is the great, primal, masculine energy of the Universe. When these energies unite, you become one with the cosmic consciousness while still in your human body. This state is blissful and ecstatic and is known as nirvana or enlightenment. You have had a spiritual experience or a peak experience. Kundalini energy then goes back down your Chakras and rests once again in the Root Chakra. The Hip Chakras are gatekeepers and help regulate this energy and prevent Kundalini from rising before you are ready. Sometimes it can become awakened “accidently” when a person is not ready for it. This can either be a profound opportunity for personal evolution or personal devastation. Kundalini can be prematurely activated by intense/rushed spiritual work (for example, getting attuned to all three levels of Reiki at once instead of completing the process one at a time), childbirth, psychotropic drugs, sexual orgasms, and ecstatic religious experiences. When a person activates Kundalini before they are ready (known as a Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening), they may experience it as a Spiritual Emergency. A Spiritual Emergency is a Transpersonal Psychology term that means a person is having intense disruptive spiritual and psychic experiences and struggle with processing it and integrating it into their psyche. They do not have the tools to help them cope with their experience. They can feel scattered and broken. Can feel scared, uneasy, anxious, and depressed. Can experience insomnia, psychic phenomenon, nightmares, intense heat, chills, involuntarily movements, and body discomfort. In Transpersonal Psychology, spiritual crises can mimic mental illness. This is why it is important to slowly awaken Kundalini, work with knowledgeable and experienced healers and teachers, and not rush your spiritual journey.


March 2018 Hip Chakra Contemplation and Suggestions: Contemplate your spiritual journey this month. Do you understand your experience? Do you do the work, or do you just want to get there now? Do you do too much too fast? Do you take it slow and easy and move on when appropriate?  When you do spiritual and personal growth work, you clear out energies that no longer serve you a purpose. These energies include old patterns of behavior, old emotions, karma, ect. You also take in higher energies and white light. If you take in higher vibrations too fast for your personality, you can experience spiritual emergencies such as dark night of the soul or Kundalini Awakening. It’s important to slowly integrate new energies and make them a part of your personality. The following are some suggested integration activities:

• Journal your experience
• Draw or paint your experience
• Make Mandalas
• Talk to someone about your experience
• Counseling, Contemplation, and Processing
• Yoga with an experienced yogi/teacher
• Get a Reiki or energy work session from an experienced practitioner

Here is an Integration Meditation to help you on your journey:

Find a quiet, comfortable place for yourself–where you will not be disturbed. Create a relaxing atmosphere. You may want to light a candle, light incense, or play some quiet, soothing music in the background. Begin to relax in general. Take some deep breathes. Notice how you experience yourself and any feelings and emotions you are experiencing before doing this meditation exercise. Then close your eyes, relax, breathe deeply, and focus your attention inward… Be aware of yourself as a spiritual being, made of energy. Begin to open up your awareness of the field of energy around your physical body. Notice if your energy is close and tight around your body, or spread out far away from your body. What do you see in your energy field? Do you see energy that no longer serves you a higher purpose? Do you see energy you have released as a result of healing work? Do you see other people’s energy that you have accumulated? We are going to release all energy in our energy field or aura, that is not ours or that no longer serves us a purpose. Watch as that energy flows down towards the earth to be transformed. Now, call for all your higher energies to return to you and begin to pull them into your center. Begin to draw your energy field/aura closer to you, around you to about an arm’s length around your body…Draw your aura an arm’s length in front, at the back, left and right sides, above your head and below your feet. Wrap yourself in your own energy an arm’s length all the way around you…Notice what that’s like… Your aura is your personal space–define it, own it, enjoy it. You’ve created an energy boundary. State to yourself, I am whole and complete, I am whole and complete. I am integrated. My personality, mind, emotions, heart, soul, physical body and spirit are all one. I understand my experience. I do my spiritual work slowly and smoothly. I will not rush. The spiritual quest is a journey and I will do the work. When you feel ready, take a few deep breaths, gently open your eyes, and slowly begin to move. Notice how you experience yourself after doing this exercise. Give yourself some time to integrate this experience and enjoy being relaxed before moving on to other activities. (Especially after you first start practicing this meditation–you may want to journal, create arts, have a cup of tea, or go for a quiet walk.) Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina

I declare March ‘Chakra Month!! Check out all my Chakra Sales and Specials for March 2018:

Join us for Advanced Energy Healing and Chakra Balancing Class in Sheboygan, WI on March 17, 2018:

Join us for our ‘Women’s Spring Equinox Weekend Retreat’ in West Bend, Wisconsin March 23 to 25, 2018:

About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

February 2018 Knee Chakra Reading

February 2018 Knee Chakra Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a Chakra and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. February brings us to the Knee Chakras, minor chakras on the back of the knees; in the hollows of the knee joint. These chakras influence your progress and forward movement. This month, the Knee Chakras ask you – What is keeping you from moving forward in life? Do you have goals and dreams you have trouble achieving no matter how hard you try?


Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras.


The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.  The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above, inside, and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.


The Knee Chakras are minor Chakras located on the back of the knees, in the hollow portion. There is one on each knee. These energy centers are usually seen as some shade of brown, deep red, or magenta. These chakras influence your emotional, personal, and spiritual progress and forward movement. Please do not assume that a minor Chakra is not as important as a major Chakra; all the energy centers work together to keep us whole, complete, and balanced. Minor Chakras each work with a Major Chakra. The Knees work with the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra area (and corresponding minor chakras) is where many primal emotions are processed and released to the earth to be transmuted. When we allow these emotions to take up residence and do not release them and let them flow through us, they can become ‘stuck’ and influence our life in negative and unwanted ways. Fear often inhabits the Knee Chakras…. fear of change, fear of success, fear of death, fear of losing control, fear of the unknown, etc. These fears hold us back, stop us from moving forward, and effect our progress in life.


February 2018 Knee Chakra Forecast: The emotion of fear is similar to being afraid, scared, worried, anxious. These are low vibrating emotions related to survival. Evolutionary wise, these emotions were a response to danger and often helped us save our lives through fight or flight. In modern times, we are often fearful of things that truly do not threaten our physical survival. So this month, explore what keeps you from moving forward in life? Are you stuck? Do you have goals and dreams you have trouble achieving no matter how hard you try? Or do you not even try because you are afraid? What blocks your progress? Is it fear? What are you afraid of? Why? Does it really threaten your survival and well-being, or does it push you out of your comfort zone and make you uncomfortable? Take some time to self-reflect on your fears. Then, release those fears down to the earth to be transformed through your Foot Chakras (Chakras we covered last month). Try the following chakra activity. We are going to connect your Knee Chakras to your Foot Chakras. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your left foot. Have the intent that you want to boost and increase the flow of energy and communication between your Knee and Foot Chakras. Keep your hands in place for a few minutes. Allow the energy to flow back and forth. You may feel heat, pulsing, or tingling. Then, repeat with the right side. Place your right hand on your right knee and your left had on your right foot. Have the intent that you want to boost and increase the flow of energy and communication between your Knee and Foot Chakras. Keep your hands in place for a few minutes. Allow the energy to flow back and forth. As these chakras connect, release what no longer serves you a higher purpose down to the earth to be transformed. Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina


Join us for Advanced Energy Healing and Chakra Balancing Class in Sheboygan, WI on March 17, 2018:


Join us for our ‘Women’s Spring Equinox Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin March 23 to 25, 2018:


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!

January 2018 Foot Chakra Reading

January 2018 Foot Chakra Reading
By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

The Chakras are an ideal roadmap for personal growth and development. In 2017 we started our journey through the Chakras and focused on one energy center a month. We are going to keep on going in 2018! On our monthly adventure, I am going to educate you about a Chakra and then ask you to contemplate its function and roll in your own personal growth. The New Year brings us to the Foot Chakras, minor chakras on the soles of your feet. Where you release energetic rubbish back down to the earth to be recycled. This month, the Foot Chakras ask you – Are you carrying around energetic baggage that does not belong to you or that does not serve you a purpose anymore? Is it time for you to let go?


Brief Overview of the Chakras: Our subtle energy bodies are made up of numerous energy channels that all together form a matrix. These channels flow through and around the body like highways of energy. These flows of energy are known as nadis in the Vedic tradition and meridians in the Chinese Medicine tradition. Where these flows of energy crisscross and intersect is where the chakras are formed. The Chakras are energy centers and vortexes in our subtle body. Seven large energy channels crisscross to form the major chakras (Root to Crown). These large energy channels are the flow of manifestation, liberation, expression, reception, ida, pingala, and sushumna. Minor chakras form where the lesser nadis cross. As there are many nadis, so there are many minor chakras.


The Chakras are openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura or electromagnetic field. There are main Chakras, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal Chakras. The Chakras’ function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual interactions. Each Chakra has personal growth themes, functions, and purposes.


The concept of the Chakras has been around for thousands of years; but the energy coming to us from the cosmos is changing. We are receiving potent and new energies of high frequency light from the universe. The main Chakras (Root to Crown) were appropriate for us these past 2000 years. As we move into a new era, chakras above and below the physical body are forming and others are waking up from dormancy to help us evolve into our new future. Our journey through the Chakras will focus on ALL of these Chakras; main, minor, subpersonal, and transpersonal.


The Foot Chakras are minor Chakras located on the soles of the feet in the area of the arches. There is one on each foot. These energy centers are usually depicted as some shade of brown. Please do not assume that a minor Chakra is not as important as a major Chakra; all the energy centers work together to keep us whole, complete, and balanced. The Foot Chakras receive energies from the earth that help keep us grounded and stable. They also release energies from our aura that no longer serve us a purpose. Many speak of the Root Chakra as the seat of grounding, but it is actually the Foot Chakras responsibility. They are also centers of detoxification for unwanted and unneeded energy; energies we have taken on and accumulated from others that do not belong to us. Emotions, patterns, beliefs, and vibrations we have released as a part of our own healing and evolution are also detoxed through the Foot Chakras. Energy travels from the upper Chakras to the lower Chakras and then out through the bottom of the feet down into the earth where energy is recycled and transformed.


January 2018 Foot Chakra Forecast: The energies of the new year are about letting go. Are you an empath? Are you sensitive to other’s energy, feelings, and emotions? Do you find it difficult sometimes to be around others, especially if they are grieving or hurting in some way? Do you tend to absorb other’s negative emotions and energy and take it on as your own? Are you depleted, drained, and fatigued at the end of the day? This month, contemplate if you are carrying around baggage and that does not even belong to you. Unbalanced foot chakras can leave you open to psychic attack and can allow unwanted energies to enter your field. A healthy aura is a collection of all of your own energies; no one else’s energies should be in there. To maintain a healthy aura, you must have strong Foot Chakras. Take a moment and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out. Bring your awareness and attention to the energy in and around you; your aura. Scan your aura. Do you feel, see, sense, hear, or become aware of energy around you that does not belong to you? If yes, then we are going to release this energy that we have taken on, either consciously or unconsciousness from other people or things. With a sense of authority, demand that this energy that does not belong to you be released from your aura and then breathe in down through your chakras out through the bottom of your feet down to the earth to be transformed. Then practice strengthening your Foot Chakras with the following exercise: Stand bare feet on the ground. Imagine your Foot Chakras rotating and opening. Imagine roots coming out of your feet connecting you deeply to Mother Earth. Breathe in earth energy and breathe out energy that does not serve you a purpose anymore. Try to make this exercise part of your daily routine. Much love and many blessings this month~ Dr. Christina


Start the new year right and jump-start your personal growth with our intensive 30-day Chakra Boot Camp!! Starts January 8, 2018! For more info:


What does 2018 have in store for you? Find out and schedule a 2018 Tarot Forecast or Chakra Forecast with Dr. Christina. For more info:


Join us for our ‘Women’s Spring Equinox Weekend Retreat in West Bend, Wisconsin March 23 to 25, 2018:


About: Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA is a Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Health Consultant, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Reiki Master Teacher with a PhD in Health Psychology. Her business, Mind, Soul, and Self LLC is based out of Wisconsin. For more info on Dr. Christina and her upcoming Chakra Retreats, Chakra Classes, Chakra Bootcamps, or to schedule an individual reading or appointment, please visit Many Blessings and Be Well!